How to manage custom test case execution statuses in QAlity Plus

Effective test management is crucial for delivering high-quality software products, and one of the particularly helpful aspects of any test management app is its customization features. Adjusting the app’s elements to match your workflow can be a game changer in terms of not only efficiency but also the overall success of your testing. One of such features are custom test case execution statuses. They allow teams to better track and manage their testing efforts according to their unique workflows. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create and manage custom test execution statuses in QAlity Plus - Test Management for Jira. By tailoring these statuses to your specific needs, you can enhance visibility into test progress, improve communication among team members, and ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding the state of your tests.

Whether you’re looking to add new statuses, modify existing ones, or completely overhaul your current status system, this article will provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to make QAlity Plus work better for your team.

View all execution statuses

Keep in mind that in order to manage your statuses you must be a Jira administrator. Only then can you access the following settings.

The first thing you need to do is click on Apps in the navigation bar at the top of your screen. From the drop-down menu choose Manage apps. Next, find QAlity Plus in the navigation bar at the left side of your screen, and choose Test Case Execution Status Settings.


You will access a list of all your current test case execution statuses, consisting of the following elements:

  1. Status: The name of the status that will be displayed throughout the app.
  2. Color: A color in which the status will be highlighted.
  3. Status type: Additional quality that signifies how executions with this status are to be treated.
  4. Is default: A status that is set to be default will be automatically attached to all newly created test executions.


Execution Status Scheme

All your statuses are a part of the execution status scheme. Your organization can only have one such scheme. 

To change the contents of your scheme, click Edit Scheme in the top right corner of your list of statuses:


Each of the 4 elements previously described can be edited and adjusted to your needs.

Edit status name

To change the name of any status simply click on it, and type the new name. Make sure that all your statuses have unique names.


Edit status color

To change the color in which the status is highlighted, click on the current color, and select the new one from the drop-down list.


Choose status type

Status type is a feature that allows you to choose whether executions with a certain status will be treated by the app as Passed or Failed. Steps and executions with a certain status type will be listed accordingly in the reports and execution history. You can also choose None if you do not wish to add any additional quality to the status.


Choose the default status

You can choose which of your statuses will be attached to all new test cases upon their creation. To do that, click Mark as default next to your preferred status.


Only 1 status at a time can be marked as default.

Add new statuses

To add new execution status click on the Add new status at the bottom left corner of the list. The scheme can consist of a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 11 statuses.


Delete existing statuses

You can delete existing statuses by hovering over the Actions column and clicking the bin icon.


When deleting a status, you will be asked to choose one of the remaining statuses to serve as the replacement for the one that is about to be deleted. All executions related to the deleted status will have their status changed to the one you choose.



Custom test case execution statuses are another step made towards the user to assist them in their everyday challenges, match their unique workflows, and answer their specific needs. We designed this feature with the thought of simplicity and intuitiveness in mind, at the same time aiming to give you as much freedom with managing your statuses as possible.

This customization not only enhances the relevance and reliability of test results but also fosters a more agile and responsive development cycle. As a result, your team can achieve higher quality outcomes and more effectively meet your project goals.



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