How many Jira issues were rejected after testing?

Is there an easy way to get issues that were rejected after testing and returned to “To do” status? Our QA manager needs to collect this information every month. Our SaaSJet team want to share this use case and how our PM track rejected issues with help of Issue History for Jira.

From this use case, you will find out:

  • Date when the issue was rejected
  • Who was testing this issue and rejected it
  • Who needs to redo the task or fix this issue

What statuses does your Jira workflow consist of?

The first thing you should check is your workflow and what statuses it includes. To do this, go for Project Settings ▶️ Workflows.

jira workflow.pngHere you will see the scheme of your workflow. In our case, it looks the next way.


So, if no problems are detected while testing, the issue goes to “Ready to release” status. Otherwise, it goes back to “To do”

The other way is simply to check your board, and you will see all statuses: ToDo → In Progress → On Review → Ready for Testing → Testing → Ready to Release → Done

*Your workflow may be different depending on your business processes.

How to get issues transferred from one status to another?

When you know what statuses are in your workflow, you need to check what issues were moved from testing back to “To do”. In our example, it’s Testing → To do.

🔶 One way to achieve this is to use advanced issue search (JQL). It can look like this if you need to check status transitions for some project after some date:

Project = QA and status CHANGED FROM "Testing" TO "To do" AFTER "2023-03-01"

If you need to check status transitions for some assignee after some date:

status CHANGED FROM "Testing" TO "To do" DURING ("2023/02/01", "2023/03/01")

With these queries, you will get basic information about what issues were transitioned, when and by who.

🔶 The second way is to create a report with Issue History for Jira. Here you can customize everything according to your needs. And it’s easy to filter issues by different options and choose dates from the drop-down menu.

status changes history jira.png

So, you will get:

  • Easy filtering & date selection
  • Ability to add any custom or standard fields
  • Uptaded by option to see who was testing and rejected the task

Steps to get rejected issues

1. Select project, assignee, sprint or other option for which you want to get rejected issues. We will take project here.

fillter updated issues jira.png

2. Also, you can choose dates.

3. Choose appropriate statuses, in our example: Testing → To do.

select status transitions jira.png

You will receive all transition from Testing → To do statuses. In our case, we have only one rejected issue for this month.

rejections after testing in Jira.png

4. Export the report to CSV or Excel if you need to count the amount of rejected issues or analyze the data deeper.

How many rejects did you have this week or month? Would you like to find it out? You can try to follow this instruction with a free trial of Issue History for Jira. Hit the like button if the article is interesting to you 😉



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