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Group Mentions for Jira

Parthiban Subramaniam September 21, 2018

Hello All.

I'm Parthi. Part of the i0in team here in Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.

We have been hard at work to create and launch an app that we hope allows users who love and use Jira every day to be able to mention a group with our app.


We are absolutely overjoyed to have our first release available for you in the Marketplace. 

Group Mentions for Jira

Group Mentions for Jira makes mentioning a group as easy as, you would mention a user, while creating or commenting on an issue.

You can mention a group, optionally add them as watchers and manage groups that are watching an issue. To find out more visit

 Thank you all for your feedback and taking the time to evaluate and considering this app in your Jira ecosystem.

 We look forward to your feedback.

Kind regards,



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Parthiban Subramaniam October 23, 2018

Hello again all.

Quick update, We have released an updated version that allows you to mention roles now :)

Group Mentions for Jira

Mention a role or a group as you would mention a user.

Next iteration it's all about the JQL.

Thanks for your feedback.

Kind regards,


Glenn Provoost
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April 27, 2021

Hi Parthi

Is this app still being maintained?

It's listed as incompatible with the most recent version of Jira Service Management.



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