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Everything you need to know about SLA Time and Report for Jira

One of the most important aspects of customer satisfaction when providing IT services is compliance with Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Therefore, having “green” SLA time metrics is the key to success, and the “SLA Time and Report for Jira” add-on can play a crucial role in this.

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The SLA Time and Report for Jira Cloud is available on the Atlassian Marketplace and enhances the SLA management experience for customers in over 130 countries.

Why do clients trust the SLA Time and Report add-on?

  • 🛡️ Cloud Security Participant: Keeps your Jira cloud instance secure.
  • 🔐 Cloud Fortified: Adheres to cloud application security best practices and standards.
  • 🏆 Platinum Marketplace Partner: Recognized for quality and reliability on the Atlassian Marketplace.

Time and goal tracking and automation

Teams can configure SLA Start-Pause-Stop conditions, SLA goals, and automatic actions with time or date triggers in one window. Create your task overrun alerts and automate SLA targets.

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SLA reporting dashboard

Measure compliance with SLA using essential metrics such as time to first response and time to resolution. Using the 4 types of reports with expanded condition filters, you can track progress in real-time or for a specific period, which provides valuable information for project managers and support teams.

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Take control of your SLAs, meet customer expectations, and improve your project and task management experience.

🔥 Try a 30-day trial with full functionality and see the benefits of such a tool!



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