🍻Apptoberfest 2023: OnRamp is your go-to app for Employee Onboarding and offboarding 🍻

Ladies and gentlemen, please meet OnRamp 🤝.

A well-structured onboarding program is equal parts science and art. The magic lies in the recipe where we utilize the right tools and blend them with the company culture.

So, while you're sipping on your virtual beer (or real beer, we won't judge), let's talk about what makes our OnRamp app the goto app for Employee Onboarding and Offboarding.

But first, let's take a moment to reflect on your own onboarding experience. What did you like and wanted to preserve? More importantly areas to improve that would have made it a good memorable experience for you and the organization.

This video will help you jog your memory.

Now, without further ado, let's introduce our app – OnRamp!

OnRamp is an easy to use app for orchestrating Onboarding and Offboarding workflows. The app provides the below features:

  • Personalize onboarding experience by defining flows specific to geography, roles, other criteria
  • Automate common tasks with integrations to HRIS systems, Talent Management platforms, Identify Management systems
  • Interact with new hires for information sharing and provide visibility into onboarding status to managers, recruiters and others

Quick 1 min overview Video

If you are here so far, thank you for your support. Here are a few useful tips from our team on employee onboarding. We would love your comments to see if any of these were useful to you.

3C's of Effective Onboarding


Memorable Onboarding Journeys: Insights from the Frontlines

Now, if you've managed to read this entire post, a BIG THANK YOU! We are a new Marketplace partner and the support from the Atlassian Marketplace team, community and Solution partners is truly commendable. We're proud to be part of the Atlassian Marketplace community, and we're super grateful for all the support.

OnRamp - Atlassian Marketplace Link.

Cheers, prost, and a big congrats to all the participants. We're excited to participate, contribute, and continuously learn from this community! 🎉😄



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carolyn french
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 17, 2023

Excited to hear and learn about your new app that solves a key pain point @Prabhu Palanisamy _Onward_ !

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Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 17, 2023

Well done in presenting how simple the app is to use and how it solves for a very common issue. Love the analogy in the 3C's video of trekking across the desert to draw fresh water only to carry it back in a bucket full of holes to drive home the need for a systemized onboarding.

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Antas Mishra
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 17, 2023

This looks very exciting and easy to use. Thanks for this great product.

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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 17, 2023

@Prabhu Palanisamy _Onward_ Great app, thanks for sharing.  Onboarding is something most businesses struggle to do well.  This looks like a great app to help ensure onboarding occurs.

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Peter Preston
October 24, 2023

Excited to see Onward in here. And love that video. Great demo of how it brings depts together. Well done @Prabhu Palanisamy _Onward_ & Co

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