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scripted field - time spent in status - translation from DC to Cloud

Teodor Hoza March 18, 2022

Hello, I've tried to translate the script that shows how much time a ticket stayed in a specific status.

It does the Job, but I'd like a second opinion from someone who really is an expert to let me know if I've done it right.


Script is as follows: 
----------------------------------------Begin script----------------------------------------

import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
// Status to be counted
def statusName = "In Progress"
// Jira datetime field format
def formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ")

def changeHistoryManager = get("/rest/api/3/issue/${issue.key}/changelog")
def totalStatusTime = [0L]
// Every status change is checked
def changeItems = changeHistoryManager as List<String,String>"Change Items list is ${changeItems}")
changeItems.reverse().each { item ->
def createdtime = ZonedDateTime.parse((item.created),formatter).toDate()"Created Time is ${createdtime}")
def timeDiff = System.currentTimeMillis() - createdtime.time"Time Difference is ${timeDiff}")
String fromString = "${item.items.fromString}" ("${fromString}")
// Subtract time if the "from" status is equal to the status to be checked and from and to statuses are different.
// This allows to count the time the issue is in the state for the first time
if (item.items.fromString.contains(statusName) && item.items.fromString != item.items.toString) {
totalStatusTime << -timeDiff
// Add time if the "to" status is equal to the status to be checked
if (item.items.toString.contains(statusName)) {
totalStatusTime << timeDiff

def total = totalStatusTime.sum() as Long
// Every time (added or subtracted) is summed and divided by 1000 to get seconds
(total / 1000) as long ?: 0L

----------------------------------------END script----------------------------------------


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Teodor Hoza April 1, 2022

Small upgrade, fixed the issue where the 1st status time was showing negative values.

-------------------------------begins scripts-------------------------------

import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Date
// Status to be counted
def statusName = "In Progress"
def statusNameCheck = "[${statusName}]"
// Jira date timestamp field format
def timePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
//make current time to long number in miliseconds
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
//get issuedata thrugh API
def issuedata = get("/rest/api/3/issue/${issue.key}?expand=changelog")
//filter changelogs into list
def statusChanges = issuedata.changelog.histories.findAll{it.items.field.contains("status")}
//get current time and format
def issueCreatedDate = new SimpleDateFormat(timePattern).parse(issuedata.fields.created)
//create a list of long numbers and add 0 as 1st item
List<Long> totalStatusTime = [0]
//calculate time difference between current time and issue created time
def createdDateDiff = System.currentTimeMillis() - issueCreatedDate.getTime()
//add time difference to totalStatusTime list with shift left for 1st status in workflow
if (statusName == "New"){totalStatusTime << createdDateDiff}
//convert statusChanges to a list of strings
def changeItems = statusChanges as List<String,String>
// Every status change is checked
changeItems.reverse().each { item ->
def createdDate = new SimpleDateFormat(timePattern).parse(item.created).getTime()
long timeDiff = currentTime - createdDate"Time Difference is ${timeDiff}")
//extract from Status
def fromString = "${item.items.fromString}"
//extract to Status
def toString = "${item.items.toString}"
// Subtract time if the "from" status is equal to the status to be checked and from and to statuses are different.
// This allows to count the time the issue is in the state for the first time
if (fromString == statusNameCheck && fromString != toString) {
totalStatusTime << -timeDiff
// Add time if the "to" status is equal to the status to be checked
if (toString == statusNameCheck) {
totalStatusTime << timeDiff

def total = totalStatusTime.sum() as Long
// Every time (added or subtracted) is summed and divided by 1000 to get seconds
total / 1000 as Long ?: 0

-------------------------------ends scripts-------------------------------

Bianca Fialho October 26, 2022

Hello everyone, this is being very helpful to me at the moment!

I have one question though... this return a value in seconds. Is there a way to get a 'pretty' time format out of this? Like 4d 2h 5m for example?

Thank you!

Teodor Hoza October 27, 2022

Hi @Bianca Fialho ,


Add these lines to your code:

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit ->  add it after line 3 to import the Time Unit Java class

and replace "total / 1000 as Long ?: 0" with following lines.


long DD = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(total)
long HH = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(total) %24
long MM = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(total) % 60
long SS = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(total) % 60
String prettyDuration = String.format("%02dd %02dh %02dm %02ds",DD, HH, MM, SS)


This will do it.

Bianca Fialho October 31, 2022

Wow that works amazing, thank you so much for the complete and speedy answer!!

You, sir, are awesome!

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Teodor Hoza November 1, 2022

Glad I could help!

Dinesh Loyapalli September 3, 2024

I am receiving the below error when testing this script against an issue. Can you please help in fixing it.


Thank you!


org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed: Script_4072f4cb070da628fd4b01327e41c1aa.groovy: 26: The class java.util.List<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> (supplied with 2 type parameters) refers to the class java.util.List<E> which takes 1 parameter @ line 26, column 36.

def changeItems = statusChanges as List<String,String>

1 error at at at at Source)

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September 24, 2024

Hi @Dinesh Loyapalli  👋

If you open to third-party add-ons to help, you can try Time in Status developed by my team.

Знімок екрана 2024-03-13 о 00.31.45.png

The algorithm for excluding weekends when calculating the time spent in a status for an issue is simply that you must set up your work calendar - including days off, breaks, holidays, etc.

You can also specify the time period needed for the calculation.


You can also book a live demo or contact us at Support - we'll show you the application inside out and answer all your questions.

I hope you find this helpful 🚀

Teodor Hoza September 25, 2024

Yep, this is a good one, as it does solve most of my issues to create reports. I am also using it.

0 votes
Teodor Hoza September 24, 2024

@Dinesh Loyapalli 

Try this:

<----- Begin----->

import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

// Status to be counted
def statusName = "In Progress";
def statusNameCheck = "[${statusName}]";
// Jira date timestamp field format
def timePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ";

// Get current time in milliseconds
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

// Get issue data through API
def issuedata = get("/rest/api/3/issue/${issue.key}?expand=changelog")

// Filter changelogs into list
def statusChanges = issuedata.changelog.histories.findAll { it.items.field.contains("status") };

// Get issue created date and format
def issueCreatedDate = new SimpleDateFormat(timePattern).parse(issuedata.fields.created);

// Create a list of long numbers and add 0 as the first item
List<Long> totalStatusTime = [0];

// Calculate time difference between current time and issue created time
def createdDateDiff = System.currentTimeMillis() - issueCreatedDate.getTime();

// Add time difference to totalStatusTime list for the first status in workflow
if (statusName == "New") {
    totalStatusTime << createdDateDiff;

// Convert statusChanges to a list of strings
def changeItems = statusChanges as List<String>;

// Reverse the list and check each status change
changeItems.reverse().each { item ->

    // Get time when the change was made
    def createdDate = new SimpleDateFormat(timePattern).parse(item.created).getTime();
    long timeDiff = currentTime - createdDate;"Time Difference is ${timeDiff}");

    // Extract 'from' status
    def fromString = "${item.items.fromString}";

    // Extract 'to' status
    def toString = "${item.items.toString}";

    // Subtract time if the 'from' status matches the status to be checked and statuses are different
    if (fromString == statusNameCheck && fromString != toString) {
        totalStatusTime << -timeDiff;

    // Add time if the 'to' status matches the status to be checked
    if (toString == statusNameCheck) {
        totalStatusTime << timeDiff;

// Sum up the total time and convert it into days, hours, minutes, and seconds
def total = totalStatusTime.sum() as Long;
long DD = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(total);
long HH = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(total) % 24;
long MM = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(total) % 60;
long SS = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(total) % 60;

// Create a readable string for the duration
String prettyDuration = String.format("%02dd %02dh %02dm %02ds", DD, HH, MM, SS);
<----- End----->

P.S do not forget to put your 1st status of your workflow at line 32.
Dinesh Loyapalli September 24, 2024

Hi Teodor,


Thank you!

It works, but I’d like to know whether it skips weekends when calculating the days in a status. Also, if the issue has been transitioned to "In Progress" multiple times, does it consider the total time spent in that status?

Thanks again for your help!

Teodor Hoza September 24, 2024

Hi @Dinesh Loyapalli this does not skip weekends, but it does count each time your status has been in progress.

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Bianca Fialho November 8, 2022

Sorry, I have one more question as I'm having the same issue you fixed in yours of negative numbers showing for some statuses.

//add time difference to totalStatusTime list with shift left for 1st status in workflow
if (statusName == "New"){totalStatusTime << createdDateDiff}

What does "New" stand for in this line? Should I replace it with the name of the first status in my workflow? 

Thanks again for the awesome code!

Teodor Hoza November 9, 2022

In order for this to work, you need to replace New with the 1st status from your workflow.


if (statusName == "First status"){totalStatusTime << createdDateDiff}

or you can define a new variable that fetches your 1st status in your workflow by using the transition rest endpoint under the issues class.

Dinesh Loyapalli September 4, 2024

Can you please help me with the working code that calculates the number of days an Issue has been in a particular status?


The above code is not working for me and it is giving me an error.


Thank  you!

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