null pointer exception on validator using groovy

Rosana Casilli December 4, 2018

Good morning All!


Some weeks ago I have posted a question, and I have got some usefull answers but  I couldn't resolved a new issue that I have.

I have a Groovy validator on Resolved transition when I want to change to Resolved status. 

If fixed version is not populated it should show a message asking to enter a value for this field.

That issue is solved, but now if I have a value in the fixed version and try to transition to Resolved status it is showing a null pointer exception:

An unknown exception occured executing Validator
com.atlassian.jira.workflow.SkippableValidator@3eb359bf: root cause: java.lang.NullPointerException


This is the code I have for the validator on resolved transition:

import java.util.Collection;

import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue;

import com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version;

import com.opensymphony.workflow.InvalidInputException;

 if (! $issue.getFixVersions().size()){
    throw new InvalidInputException("Se requiere ingresar Versión de Resolución")

What do you think it should be the problem? is there somthing missing? how can I solve it? 


thanks in advance,




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Deleted user December 4, 2018

Hi @Rosana_Casilli

I'm just thinking out loud and might be completely wrong, but could your try changing the if statement to:

if($issue.getFixVersions().size() < 1) 

If that doesn't work, which add-on are you using to enter the validator in?

Kind regards

Rosana Casilli December 4, 2018

Hi Jorden! it didn't work. 

I am using groovy code runner. 

the problem I have is when I populate the fixed version and try to transition to resolved status, I am getting the null pointer exception that I have pasted in the previous message. When I do not populate the fixed version is working fine.

Any suggestions?


thanks in advance


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