I'm trying to fetch an API return; result in JSON FORMAT. Using ScriptRunner JOB - will that be possible to have those results.
URL: https://slack.com/api/users.lookupByEmail?token=<sometoken>&email=<value that I'll provide>
I would like to have this return value of a particular element. i.e. ID (bold below)
{"ok":true,"user":{"id":"U013MMEPMHC","team_id":"<someother>","name":"piyush.1502","deleted":false,"color":"e7392d","real_name":"piyush.live","tz":"Asia\/Kolkata","tz_label":"India Standard Time","tz_offset":19800}}
I may need the whole sort of line code to figure this out.
ScriptRunner - Yes
With Below: Able to fetch the data - but how to only extract the required field and save it in a variable.
import groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder
import static groovyx.net.http.ContentType.*
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import net.sf.json.groovy.JsonSlurper
import groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder
import groovyx.net.http.ContentType
import static groovyx.net.http.Method.*
def http = new HTTPBuilder('https://slack.com/api/users.lookupByEmail?token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&email=piyush.1502@live.com')
http.request(GET) { requestContentType = ContentType.JSON
response.success = { resp, JSON -> return JSON
response.failure = { resp ->
return "Request failed with status ${resp.status}"
I've edited your question to remove the token from your code block... you probably want to keep that private.
But the response.success is already parsing the JSON for you into a nice object structure.
You could just add .user.id after the last curly brace, but something like this will be safer:
def responseObj
def http = new HTTPBuilder('https://slack.com/api/users.lookupByEmail?token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&email=piyush.1502@live.com')
http.request(GET) {
requestContentType = ContentType.JSON
response.success = { resp, JSON ->
responseObj = JSON
response.failure = { resp ->
responseObj= [error: "Request failed with status ${resp.status}"]
userId = responseObj.user.id
Thanks @Peter-Dave Sheehan . For the token and the answer.
I updated it as
responseObj = JSON.user ? JSON.user.id : null
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