can we limit the number of topics used by a user?

Gerald Jimenez August 9, 2016

This may sound like a silly question but our business wants to limit the number of topics assigned to a question to a maximum of 3.  Is this possible?  ie in a similar manner that is done on this site.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 9, 2016

This is currently not supported natively in Confluence Questions, it was built as a one off modification for use here on If you would like to see this as a feature in Confluence Questions, I would encourage you to raise a feature request at 

Gerald Jimenez August 9, 2016

Thanks and will raise a JIRA

Community Leader
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August 10, 2016

Gerald, when you do, post the link to the feature request back here and I (and maybe others that see it here) will vote for it.

Gerald Jimenez August 11, 2016

Here it is CONF-43425

August 19, 2016

Voted too! Thanks.

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