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Unsuccessful JQL query for issueFunction in addedAfterSprintStart

Melanie Beaudry Desjardins July 9, 2021

Trying to pull a query for stories added to sprint after it started using project = <Project Name> AND issueFunction in addedAfterSprintStart("<Sprint Board Name>") but I get this response:

Field 'issueFunction' does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.

Apparently this query is not available in cloud JIRA (2018 feedback), has anything changed since? Are there any other options available that don't involve manually tagging stories with labels?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 9, 2021

You are right, issueFunction is a Scriptrunner for Server only, we can't (yet) implement it in Cloud.

Some of things it was used for on Server can be achieved, there's a list of popular translations over at

But I don't think there's a way to do "added after sprint start" in any search, even with scriptrunner functions.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 9, 2021

Ok, sorry about this, but @Kristian Walker _Adaptavist_ has told me stuff about Scriptrunner Enhanced Search that I did not know before.  There is an "added after sprint start" in there.

I quote: You can now do addedAfterSprintStart in SR cloud enhanced search queries and the docs for this are here

Melanie Beaudry Desjardins July 12, 2021

Thank you @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- then why do I get this response on my query:

Field 'issueFunction' does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.

I have admin permissions on this project. 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 12, 2021

Because, as I said earlier, it does not exist in Cloud. 

Kristian Walker _Adaptavist_
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July 12, 2021

Hi Melanie,

I can confirm that in Jira Cloud that you can only run enhanced search functions on the ScriptRunner Enhanced Search Page and I can confirm we have a KB article located here which explains about this more.

Also I can confirm when using these features in Cloud you will need to make sure that the JQL keywords have been fully synchronized as described here in order for the functions to run and return the correct results.

I hope this helps.



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