Hi all!
I'm currently trying to create a scripted field in Script Runner.
What I am trying to do is display the time in progress on a ticket.
I'm basically just starting from scratch, following this tutorial https://scriptrunner.adaptavist.com/latest/jira/scripted-fields.html?utm_source=product-help#_scripting
I'm using the Duration Searcher template and the Duration for the custom field searcher.
However when I'm trying to query for this custom field, I get some weird results.
My ticket has the value of 4 days, 14 hours, 44 minutes.
JQL: issue = myissue and CF > 1h - this query returns the ticket
JQL: issue = myissue and CF > 2d - this query returns the ticket
JQL: issue = myissue and CF > 3d - this query does not return the ticket
JQL: issue = myissue and CF > 36h - this query does not return the ticket
My question is, why is there such inconsistencies in the search results?