Hi, Am trying to use script post function to create a subtask whenever a parent is created by predefined fields in subtask. am new to this scripting and am trying to get this done
Predefined fileds(which are required):
1.Cascading select - Phase and Task - Child option 14494(parent option 1-child option 1)
2. Drop down signle select - CTA Destination - Option N/A
3.Drop down single select - Landing Page - Option N/A
4. Issue due date to current date
In the additional issue actions, i tried to set the following.
import java.sql.Timestamp
def cf = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Phase & Task")
issue.setCustomFieldValue(cf, '14494')
def cf2 = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("CTA Destination")
issue.setCustomFieldValue(cf2, 'N/A')
def cf3 = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Landing Page")
issue.setCustomFieldValue(cf3, 'N/A')
issue.setDueDate(new Timestamp((new Date()).time))
Target Issue type - Subtask
Fields to copy- I don't know what it means here, so I selected Description. I don't want any fields to be copied while creating a subtask
Sub-Task Action - In Progress(21)
Important NOTE: when a user creates a subtask from a parent in a regular way(more>create subtask) there are 4 required fields which are mentioned as above. Am trying to solve this by adding those 4 fields in additional issue actions hoping it will clear required field validator in subtask create transition.
Any help? Thanks in advance