I have created an XML fragment to let users create issues in acceptance criteria project. This fragment behaves same as the create issues screen. But the only difference is that Select Template option is missing when fragment button is clicked to create the issue.
below are the screenshots:
1. Fragment buttons create screen which doesnt have the select template. We need this option same as the regular create screen
2. custom button
3. regualar create screen with select template option
4. raw xml code in the code block.
How can change the script to show the Select template option for the fragment create also
<web-item key='link-create-acceptance-criteria' name='ScriptRunner generated web item - link-create-acceptance-criteria' section='operations-restore' weight='1'>
<label>Add Acceptance Criteria</label>
<condition class='script:(issue.issueType.name == "Epic" || issue.issueType.name == "Feature") && !issue.resolution'>
<param name='£trackingParameters' value='{"scriptName":"com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.jira.fragments.CreateConstrainedIssueWebItem"}' />
<param name='£fragmentParameters' value='{"id":"458d087f-c94c-47e3-bbb7-42aca7ccef6a"}' />
<styleClass>sr-create-bound-issue link-create-acceptance-criteria </styleClass>
<!-- Updated link to include a template selection -->
<link linkId='link-create-acceptance-criteria'>https://jirasw-dev.t-mobile.com/secure/CreateIssue.jspa?pid=72902&issuetype=16500&template=true</link>