Possible to get IssueCreated notification mail format

November 4, 2019


Using ScriptRunner listner - possible to get the issueCreated mail format and send it to other mailBox?

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John Chin
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May 9, 2021

Hi @Piyush_Annadate 

Unfortunately, not possible at the moment. However, you can design the issue creation email template to the similar as JIRA default email template or with your own custom design.

For example, put the Email format to HTML:


Apply the sample script below in the Email Template field:


<% String baseUrl = com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor.applicationProperties.getString("jira.baseurl") %>
<% baseUrl = baseUrl+"/browse/"+issue.key%>


The ${issue.issueType.name} <a href="<%out <<baseUrl %>">${issue.key}</a> has been Created.

Summary: ${issue.summary}



At the results, you will get something like this:


You can beautify the email format that suit your needs. Also, you can pull more fields information to display in the email template.

I hope this helps.

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