Not able to get status of linked issue

Thuan M. Tu October 26, 2018

I'm using the below script in Scriptrunner and it's working just fine for most issues (using OutwardLinks).  However, when the issue is linked FROM the status I want, it returns null.  For example, issue A is blocked by issue B, and the "Linked Status" field shows the status of issue B as expected.  But when issue B blocks issue A, the "Linked Status" field in issue A shows null.

Conversely, I can go to issue B, and the "Linked Status" field shows the status of issue A just fine.  I've tried "InwardLinks", but that only shows the "Linked Status" field in issue A as it's own status. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks!


Issue A = DCMM-5838

2018-10-26 16_26_35-Script Fields.png

Issue B = ITGOV-36

2018-10-26 16_15_10-Script Fields.png

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Marc Minten _EVS_
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October 31, 2018


Aaaarch. Links again...

You must know that issue links are implemented and accessible from the API in a (very) strange way.

A issue link (in the Jira Setup) has an Outward part and an Inward part defined.

When using a link, Jira creates a bi-directional link.

But !!! from the API, the getOutwardLinks() method only returns the links that have an outward part that corresponds with the link in the issue (not sure you still follow, it took me also time to understand...).

So in practice, to find all links of an issue, you should get all links from getOutwardLinks() AND from getInwardLinks()

Only if you know on beforehand what links you are looking for (for example only the "is blocked by" links), you know what method to use (in the same example, as "is blocked by" is the Inward description, you know you will find this link in the getInwardLinks() method).

Weird, but once you understand... (and unless you forget in some months... :-))

Thuan M. Tu November 6, 2018

Thanks for the reply.  Would you be able to provide some direction in reference to the script?



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