I want 2 Rules
Facing Mind Block for Rule 2
Rule 1 - Creates Issues (already created)
Rule 2 - Create Issue based on status of Issue which were created using Rule 1.
Basically Rule 1 gets triggered manually upon which the rule creates 1 or more than 1 issue.
The expectation of Rule 2 is as follows:
Case 1:
If Rule 1 created only 1 issue (Assume ID = TP1-001)
When Status of TP1-001 becomes DONE then Rule 2 shall create a new issue.
Case 2:
If Rule 1 created more than one issue (i.e TP1-001, TP1-002, TP1-003)
When Status of all the issues created becomes DONE then Rule 2 shall create a new issue.
Thankyou in advance for helping me out !