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In-line Script Text - locating based on error message

Taylor Chase July 2, 2023

I'm trying to track down some script errors (I'm one of a team who writes the scripts, so I'm not sure who did it.)

The script error looks like this in our logs:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'name' on null object at at db56710530ed3a3618d2b2858bf365b8$ Source) at 8f8101efcab2a88f26cd87051d54f198$ Source) at com.onresolve.scriptrunner.fragments.ScriptCondition.shouldDisplay(ScriptCondition.groovy:77)

 Is there any way to find the text of the script (and maybe where it's being used) so I can track this down?

I assume the LOTSOFNUMBERS.groovy is some type of database reference, but I don't know the first place to check when tracking it down.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

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Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
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July 2, 2023

Hi @Taylor Chase

There is no simple way to get the information you are requesting.

If you want to find out what code it is, you will first need to go to the classes folder located at

<JIRA_HOME>/scriptrunner/classes/ for example /var/atlassian/application-data/jira/scriptrunner/classes/ and try to find the db56710530ed3a3618d2b2858bf365b8.class file in there. (Please note, this class file name can always change)

Once you have located the class, you will need to de-compile using for example IntelliJ.

After the class file has been decompiled, you will need to compare it against your Groovy code to see which code is actually causing the problem.

I hope this helps to solve your question. :-)

Thank you and Kind regards,

Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
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July 8, 2023

Hi @Taylor Chase

Has your question been answered?

If yes, please accept the answer.

Thank you and Kind regards,


Taylor Chase July 10, 2023

Thank you for your help @Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_ It turns out that my log collector was splitting the log lines improperly.  I looked at the physical logs and they provided a URL to edit the failing item - and I was able to resolve the issue.

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