I have around 50 fields some of which are being made read only depending on the group a user belongs to. If he belongs to x group, he can edit otherwise he cannot. This functionality works perfectly fine in the edit screen but users are able to edit fields in view screen using inline edit.
There should be a feature in scriptrunner which makes the edit screen pop up for fields impacted by behaviours. Apparently that is not working. i am using JIRA server version 8.5.3 and scriptrunner 6.1.0-p5.
I have the scriptrunner plugin "Behaviour inline edit issue assets" set to enabled as well.
This is a functionality we really need to get to work and disabling inline edit for the whole of JIRA seems to be the only option we are left with (which is horrible) . Are there any other ways i can disable inline edit just for a single issuetype/ workflow or make this scriptrunner auto pop up edit screen feature for beh impacted fields work ?
I tried using the setAllowInlineEdit(false) in the behaviour initializer. Does not work. Works only for field behaviours and adding more than 100 field behaviours would make jira super slow.
Would really appreciate any inputs