I need to include the information what User Approved the issue at which date in an issue export in case of multiple approver required.
I struggle in two points.
Getting the information
I can not use the transition event to store this information because multiple Approver are required and I need to store the information of single user approval and not the final approval decision. I checked automation for jira and scriptrunner and could not find an event listener to the event of an single approval (like I said not the final approval).
Exporting the information
Let's say I get the information stored in a custom field single line text ("User A approved on 30.03.2021, User B approved on 01.04.20201).
How would I add it to an export when only fields on the issue sceen are exported. Meaning I would need to put this field on the issue screen which would make it editable and would destroy the purpose.
I guess an paid addon would solve that problem. part. https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/5167/better-pdf-exporter-for-jira?hosting=cloud&tab=overview
Thanks for helping.