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High performance way to get all issue fields in Groovy (Scriptrunner Rest Endpoint)

unmanifest September 11, 2019

We are an enterprise with a JIRA server (datacenter) instance. We are trying to use Scriptrunner's Rest Endpoint to do some performant queries (JQL) in Groovy rather than via the JIRA Rest API.

One of the things we need to do is to get various (typically many) fields of issues and its subtasks/issuelinks based on an initial query (JQL). Right now, we do the initial search (JQL query) to get a list of issues and then loop through the returned collection and then loop through the list of fields we care about. Attached code snippet below.


// psuedocode

SearchService.ParseResult parseResult = searchService.parseQuery(user, jqlSearch)

if (parseResult.isValid()) {
searchResult = searchService.search(user, parseResult.getQuery(), PagerFilter.getUnlimitedFilter())

searchResult.issues.each { it ->
Issue issue = issueManager.getIssueObject(it.id)
def map = getIssueInfo(issue, fields)

// getIssueInfo method

def getIssueInfo(issue, fields) {
map = [:]
fields.each { fld ->
// Read get"fld" as getSummary, getAssignee etc.
map["fields"].put(fld, issue.get"fld"())
return map

We are seeing that the actual search is quite fast (200ms) but looping through each field takes about 10-15ms (sometimes more). If this time is going to be linear, as we process a larger list of issues, the time taken to get the fields goes up. Is there a better (quicker) way of doing this. I couldn't find a single method in the Groovy/Java API which would let me get a bunch of field values from an issue.

Appreciate any help!

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Alejandro Suárez - TecnoFor
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
September 17, 2019

Hi @unmanifest the best possible way to achieve that is waht you have done, there is no way to get multiple values in one call, at least not with java api. You could try with the rest api, but is highly likely that response to be slower.

With the rest api you can get all the info for one single issue.

Check this out https://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/REST/8.4.1/#api/2/issue-getIssue


Edit: Maybe you can map it with the issue.getProperties() and get all the info, but is a pain to do all the research to get all you want.

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