Help Getting ScriptRunner Validators Working

Christopher Manee
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July 25, 2016

Hello all -

We had a consultant some years ago write a few ScriptRunner transition validators, and after updating JIRA to 7.1.7 they no longer work. Unfortunately there was little to no documentation from the consultant, and not knowing how to fix or write new Groovy validators, I'm at a loss. We had two validators:

  1. On the Accept Transition: Story Points must be a Fibonacci number:
    cfValues['Story Points'].toInteger() in [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233]
  2. Story Points must be greater than zero before transition to Closed:
    cfValues['Actual Points'].toInteger() > 0

These allegedly worked before according to the users of the workflow in question. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am sure to someone who knows Groovy at all can make short work of it, but I've spent hours on this and haven't been able to figure it out.


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Thanos Batagiannis [Adaptavist]
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July 28, 2016

Hi Cristopher,

The first condition should be 

def storyPoints = cfValues['Story Points']?.value as Integer 
return storyPoints in [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233]

and the second one 

cfValues['Actual Points']?.value > 0



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