Hi Team,
I Have a Group Picker Field (Single picker) here i'm trying that when I created a ticket When that particular group value chages to Group "-Y-" in any status only that particular group has to get notification.
Here I'm performing when an issue is updating in the particular group filed changes to "-Y-" group only that group required the notification. If that field chages to "-X-" or "-Z-" they dont required notification
Here is the steps i have followed
> I created a custom event named "Notification" and selected the template "issue update"
> in notification scheme i have selected that group in that partucular custom event.
> in the " Script Listener " a added a custom Listener and added a script
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
def customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor.customFieldManager
def issue = event.issue
def customField = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject(10002 as Long)
log.warn("Custom field: " + customField)
def customFieldValue = issue.getCustomFieldValue(customField)
log.warn("Custom field value: " + customFieldValue)
log.warn("Result: " + customFieldValue == "-Y-")
return customFieldValue == "-Y-"
> in events I selected the Issueupdate and Custom Event I created and target project i seletcted the project that i want
>I updated the ticket I got these errors
2018-12-19 17:17:06,644 WARN [runner.ScriptRunnerImpl]: Custom field: Group
2018-12-19 17:17:06,644 WARN [runner.ScriptRunnerImpl]: Custom field value: [com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.impl.ImmutableGroup@bd6c997c]
2018-12-19 17:17:06,644 WARN [runner.ScriptRunnerImpl]: false
Can anybody help me with the script