I'm trying to update proper issue status from Bamboo build plan by calling a Scriptrunner REST endpoint.
The endpoint is defined as following:
@Field ComponentClassManager ccm = ComponentAccessor.getComponentClassManager()
@Field def service = ccm.newInstance("com.atlassian.jira.plugin.devstatus.impl.DefaultDevStatusSummaryService")
@Field UserManager um = ComponentAccessor.getUserManager()
@Field ApplicationUser user = um.getUserByName("bamboo")
status(httpMethod: "PUT") { MultivaluedMap queryParams, String body, HttpServletRequest request ->
getIssuePullRequestData(Issue issue)
def getIssuePullRequestData(Issue issue) {
detailData = service.getDetailData(issue.id, "stash", "pullrequest", user)
When I call this endpoint from CLI using curl I get such result:
"detail": [
"_instance": {
"applicationLinkId": "b64ab619-e6d6-33ff-853d-fd4cac43c4d5",
"baseUrl": "https://bitbucket.lan.local",
"id": "b64ab619-e6d6-33ff-853d-fd4cac43c4d5",
"name": "Bitbucket",
"primary": true,
"singleInstance": false,
"type": "stash",
"typeName": "Bitbucket Server"
"branches": [
"createPullRequestUrl": "https://bitbucket.lan.local/projects/...",
"name": "...",
"repository": {
"avatar": "https://bitbucket.lan.local/projects/...",
"avatarDescription": "pflege",
"name": "FE-chat-app",
"url": "https://bitbucket.lan.local/projects/..."
"url": "https://bitbucket.lan.local/projects/..."
"pullRequests": [
"author": {
"name": "User 1"
"commentCount": 0....
So branches and pull requests data is returned
But when I call same endpoint from script task in Bamboo build plan I get this:
"typeName":"Bitbucket Server",
So no branches and pull requests are returned.
I haven't seen any error in logs. The only difference is that I run curl with my credentials and from Bamboo use none (I expect mutual authentication between Bamboo and Jira)