Epic Link value is stopping linked Issue field validation?

Suresh December 12, 2017

When Epic Link has some value, following validation is working, if the Epic Link is empty then validation is failing.

We are validating against to the ('Linked Issues') -->Issue (multi select dropdown) not on Epic Link

Not sure I am calling from correct linked object?

def request = ActionContext.getRequest()

def params = request.getParameterMap()
def issueLinkingValue = linksSystemField.getRelevantParams(params) as IssueLinksSystemField.IssueLinkingValue

def linkedIssue = it.destinationObject
for(link in issueLinkingValue.getLinkedIssues()){
def object = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager().getIssueObject(link)
cf1Value= (Option)object.getCustomFieldValue(featureType)
if(cf1Value.getValue() != "High Pack"){
throw new InvalidInputException(IssueFieldConstants.ISSUE_LINKS,
"Note: When Cause equals 'HighPack'. You must link only High Pack.")


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