When Epic Link has some value, following validation is working, if the Epic Link is empty then validation is failing.
We are validating against to the ('Linked Issues') -->Issue (multi select dropdown) not on Epic Link
Not sure I am calling from correct linked object?
def request = ActionContext.getRequest()
def params = request.getParameterMap()
def issueLinkingValue = linksSystemField.getRelevantParams(params) as IssueLinksSystemField.IssueLinkingValue
def linkedIssue = it.destinationObject
for(link in issueLinkingValue.getLinkedIssues()){
def object = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager().getIssueObject(link)
cf1Value= (Option)object.getCustomFieldValue(featureType)
if(cf1Value.getValue() != "High Pack"){
throw new InvalidInputException(IssueFieldConstants.ISSUE_LINKS,
"Note: When Cause equals 'HighPack'. You must link only High Pack.")