Confluence Questions - Who gets automated email notifications and when?

Don Donzal March 23, 2017

My intent is to start a question with a smaller more specific group. If no answer comes from the watchers of the initial topic(s), then I'd like to open it up to a larger audience by later adding additional topic(s) followed by a larger group. So here are some questions for clarification:

  1. When I first create a brand new question, do watchers of all topics get email notifications or just those from the first topic applied?
  2. If I update an existing question later by adding a new topic, do the watchers of the added topic now get an email notification?
  3. If so... As a Confluence Admin, I have 2 ways to modify the topics of a question. I can either edit the question and add/remove topics or I can also click the pencil icon and add/remove topics without entering edit mode on the question. Does this make a difference?

FYI - Looked here and in documentation and found no answers.

Thanks in advance,

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carolyn french
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March 28, 2017
  1. From my experience, only the watchers of the topics added the time of question creation will be notified via email.
  2. No
  3. I think it's just the ease of adding/removing topics both these ways. I don't think there is a difference.

If, as an admin, I add more topics to a question, sometimes I manually share the question with groups or email distro lists, so that they are notified.

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