I want import the test set and pre-conditions associated with the tests using Xray test case importer, I have more than 120 test set which contains multiple pre-conditions associated with the tests. I'm using the mapping as presented in the screenshot below. Test sets and pre-conditions associated with the tests are not imported but rest of the fields are imported correctly. probably it is because of the fact that , it cannot create test set / pre-conditions without summary , what is the solution in this case ?
CSV file format
Mapping using xray test case imported
Hi Harinder,
As of version 3.0, Xray's built-in Test Case Importer is only able of creating (Manual) Tests.
During the mapping, you can link the Tests with some other entities including Pre-Conditions, Test Sets and Test Plans using the following custom fields :
More info about custom fields here: https://confluence.xpand-addons.com/display/XRAY/Custom+Fields+and+Screen+Configuration and https://confluence.xpand-addons.com/display/XRAY/Using+custom+fields
Thus, if you need to create Tests and related Pre-Conditions, for example, you would need to
You could also do it the other way around:
We may improve Test Case Importer in the future in order to support automatic creation of Pre-Conditions. Please open an improvement request using our Service Desk here: https://jira.xpand-addons.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/2
Best regards,
Xpand Add-ons Team
Hi ,
We are using Jira cloud .is there any option in "Xray test case import" to map precondition with the related test cases.
There is no mapping field for precondition.
How can we link preconditions to corresponding test cases while importing?
We have 3000+ test cases with preconditions . Could you please provide me a solution for it asap.
It is not possible to import Test using the TCI and directly associate them with a Precondition, because the association between those two issues is not a Jira link. As such, it is not possible to define before the Tests exist.
A quick workaround to associate the Tests to the Preconditions is to import them with a specific Label. That way, you can easily find and select them on the Precondition's Issue Picker Dialog.
Best Regards
Team Xray
Thanks for the response.
Environment: JIRA CLOUD
We are using 'Xray JSON import' option. When we try to import 1000+ test cases it throws import limit exceed the maximum limit is 1000.
So we decided to split the test cases limit within 1000 . Once we importing the Testcase JSON file(800+) it seems stuck in the middle of the process. The progress bar shows the same percentage for a long time. And finally, it is not throwing any error and some test cases only imported.
if we try again the same happens but the progress bar percentage will be different. For Example: First time it was stuck in 26% and the second time it was stuck in 73 percentage.
Could you please suggest/guide me ?
Mine requirement is quite similar as mentioned by @harinderbora
Can Any one help me here to resolve this issue?
I am unable to access the link which you have shared. My query is how to import bulk preconditions using csv import option? Could you help?
Best Regards,
Hi ,
is there any option in "Xray test case import" to map precondition with the related test cases .
We are using Jira cloud . There is no mapping field for precondition . Could anyone guide me ?
How can you have this view with all of this choices of fields ?
( I have only 4 types :
- Don't map this field
-Exported result)