VSCode has grown over the last few years into a pretty slick IDE and I see that Atlassian has given VSCode a little bit of love by providing integrations with Jira and Bitbucket. There are a couple of pages for setting up IDEA and Netbeans to work with the Atlassian SDK but sadly nothing for VSCode. So, I ask the community. Have you had success getting VSCode to work well with the Atlassian SDK ... especially with things like Intellisense, project builds, and debugging? If you have had success with using VSCode and the Atlassian SDK please share. Maybe we can set up an unofficial VSCode tutorial of sorts.
A better solution may be to use `atlas-mvn` in VSCode. It's possible to set the binary in VSCode "Maven for Java" settings, but unfortunately it's broken on MacOS because of how `atlas-mvn` passes arguments to `mvn`.
Well it actually works to point VSCode's "Maven for Java" to use `atlas-mvn` binary, but on MacOS you need to run VSCode with `--user-data-dir="some/location/without/spaces"`
I managed to get this working.
Start by installing the Java Extension Pack: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vscjava.vscode-java-pack
programs are installed by running ls -l $(which atlas-mvn)
to get the actual location./Applications/Atlassian/atlassian-plugin-sdk-6.3.6/bin
Awesome! That will make development with VSCode so much easier. I've submitted a ticket to Atlassian to consider creating an official walk-through for setting up the SDK with VSCode.
Thanks for doing that @Davin Studer Is that a public ticket that we can comment on or is it a private DEVHELP ticket?
Because I did figure out what needs to change in atlas-mvn so we can just drop it in instead of unwinding where everything's set up.
I don't think it is a public ticket. I just went to their documentation for IDEA and click the link to comment on the documentation. I think it is using a Jira issue collector to create tickets on the backside, but I don't think it is publicly accessible.
Figured out a few more things:
* Set Maven > Executable: Path to the atlas-mvn binary
For me it was `/usr/bin/atlas-mvn/`
This makes the pom.xml file work properly in VSCode
* Install https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dgileadi.java-decompiler so 'Go to Definition' isn't useless.