Tutorial: How to start a new plugin Jira

Matthieu DAVID
I'm New Here
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January 19, 2018

Hello everyone,

I create this topic to help others who have problem to create a new plugin, and run the default Jira instance. Make this cause I passed many hours to try resolving problems when I try follow the Jira tutorial "Hello World", which is too old, or don't work to my computer (windows 10 family). I try many issues and now the origin project work and I want share this to you.



  • Install Java SE Development Kit (8 for me)
  • Install SDK Jira
  • Port 2990 free on your system


1- Create an add-on project using the atlas-create-jira-plugin command from a Command Prompt window :



2- You will be prompted to provide some information about your plugin. For the purposes of this tutorial respond to the prompts as follows:

Define value for groupId: : com.atlassian.tutorial
Define value for artifactId: : myPlugin
Define value for version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: : 
Define value for package: com.atlassian.tutorial: : 

Value 1 and value 2 need to be complete. 3 and 4, just press 'ENTER'.


And complete following prompt with ' Y ' :

Y: : Y


 3- Now you can verify your installation works, need to have these components in the new ' myPlugin ' folder :




4- Need now to install different add-on before launching the server, start by prompt to go in the new folder:

cd myPlugin 

 And type :


An installation is launched, and appear a list of many options, you need to type no of the type of plugin you want :

Choose Plugin Module:
1: Component Import
2: Component
3: Component Tab Panel
4: Custom Field
5: Custom Field Searcher
6: Downloadable Plugin Resource
7: Gadget Plugin Module
8: Issue Tab Panel
9: Keyboard Shortcut
10: JQL Function
11: Licensing API Support
12: Module Type
13: Project Tab Panel
14: REST Plugin Module
15: RPC Endpoint Plugin
16: Report
17: Search Request View
18: Servlet Context Listener
19: Servlet Context Parameter
20: Servlet Filter
21: Servlet
22: Template Context Item
23: User Format
24: Version Tab Panel
25: Web Item
26: Web Panel
27: Web Panel Renderer
28: Web Resource
29: Web Resource Transformer
30: Web Section
31: Webwork Plugin
32: Workflow Condition
33: Workflow Post Function
34: Workflow Validator
Choose a number (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34):

I already try Gadget plugin module (9) and web item (25), their works, but have no idea of others. In this example we take web item, it's a simple plugin which launches a url by clicking on the main bar button.

You will be prompted to provide some information about your plugin module. An answer like that :

Enter Plugin Module Name My Web Item: : Google Search
Enter Section (e.g. system.admin/globalsettings): system.top.navigation.bar
Enter Link URL (e.g. /secure/CreateIssue!default.jspa): www.google.fr

And type ' N ' 2 times to show advanced setup and another plugin module :

Show Advanced Setup? (Y/y/N/n) N: : N
Add Another Plugin Module? (Y/y/N/n) N: : N

5- Now the module is installed, you need to manually add a Debugger in your project, the first installer doesn't do this alone. Then edit your pom.xml, in ' myPlugin ' with an editing text software like NotePad++, and add this part :

<executable>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin\javac.exe</executable>

Modify the jdk path like being yours.

Your ' plugins ' part is now like that :




(Others plugin tags are hidden to minimize screenshot) 


6- It's finished ! Your plugin now work, just have to launch him with the command :


  When the server is launched, new lines stop to appear, and see this :

[INFO] Type Ctrl-D to shutdown gracefully
[INFO] Type Ctrl-C to exit

If the console say you connect to another port than 2990 (main Jira port) (example: localhost:50430/jira), you need to restart your PC, it reconfigure your ports automatically, now can restart your server with the same command than before :


You can now access your Jira local site, to ' localhost:2990/jira '.

The login page appear (default login is 'admin' and password 'admin') :




It's my first tutorial, thank to your comprehension, and sorry for my bad English (I'm french and not bilingual). If you have any questions, feel free to comment this tutorial.



 Matthieu DAVID




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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 22, 2018

Hi Matthieu,

That's awesome and I think a lot of people will benefit from this.

Thanks again!


Fábio Alexandre Malta Coelho
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
December 11, 2019



Thanks for your tutorial! That help me a lot.

I created Listener module, now, how can I work on it in eclipse?


Fábio Coelho

AUG Leaders

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