I'm implementing a long running job on Heroku.
I am designing a file to handle each job but have a problem passing variables to each job. And pass the req and addon into the workQueue
const reqData = stringify(req);
const addonData = stringify(addon);
let job = await workQueue.add({reqData, addonData})
Currently functions are using req and addon variables for processing, but passing to the work queue needs to be parsed into JSON.
I used https://www.npmjs.com/package/flatted to convert them to JSON
In a job process I parsed it back to JSON
const req = parse(reqData);
const addon = parse(addonData);
var httpClient = addon.httpClient(req); // It not found the httpClient after parse to JSON
Parsing to JSON will lose functions in req and addon. It not found the httpClient()
Is there a way to rebuild the HttpClient in the job process? or if anyone has any advice for implementing long job running on Jira connect app, I would greatly appreciate it