Jira Automation when ranking issues

Boleslaw Nowak
September 23, 2021

Hello, trying to figure out if there's a possibility to make a Jira automation triggering when a ticket is ranked in the backlog  in the kanban workflow.


We're currently using a setup that new tickets getting in are getting a `to be prioritized` label, to have a better visibility on those tickets. While I would want to make the life of prioritizing easier, wanted to clear this value from label field upon ranking the issue in the backlog, but cant find a suitable trigger for this action. 

Is there a workaround? Maybe this would be a nice addition to the Jira automation triggers.



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John Funk
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September 23, 2021

Hi @Boleslaw Nowak 

No, there is currently no trigger within automation for when the Rank changes. I think that's a super idea. Maybe Atlassian will add that feature request to their backlog.  :-)


Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 26, 2021

Hey @Boleslaw Nowak and @John Funk

So you can totally do this hey. You'll need to use an Issue Updated trigger as changing the rank will trigger this event.

You can then tell if it is a rank change event by examining the change log with:


If this gives you something, then the rank was changed. The results you can get are:

ChangeItemBean{fieldId='customfield_10019', field='Rank', fieldType='null', from='', fromString='', to='', toString='Ranked lower'}
ChangeItemBean{fieldId='customfield_10019', field='Rank', fieldType='null', from='', fromString='', to='', toString='Ranked higher'}

So i guess you can tell if it was moved up or down with:



Hopefully that gets you started!



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Boleslaw Nowak
September 27, 2021

Thanks for the suggestion @Simmo could you help me a little, not really with a coding background so it is somewhat tricky ;). As I understand the automation should be looking somewhat like this, with the If  condition being the tricky one.

Screenshot 2021-09-27 at 16.30.37.png


Could you help me with the If? Not fully getting a grasp on it.

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 27, 2021

Hey @Boleslaw Nowak,

No worries. So you're pretty close. You want to do the opposite of what you've got:


What this is doing is saying, for the issue updated event, was the rank changed. By saying that changelog.Rank isn't empty we're making sure that the rank changed.

If you wanted to get more fancy, you could start doing conditions for being moved up or down, such as:


In this case here we're checking that the ranking was moved up. This is probably more advanced than you are looking for, so the first should help you out.



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Boleslaw Nowak
September 28, 2021

Awesome! Works like a charm, many thanks for the help!

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