Board Query excludes Epic Issue Type
The filter from your Agile Board is used to find the epics to display. Sometimes this filter has been configured to exclude the Epic issue type and therefore the product can't access them.
For example, you may have a JQL filter query which inadvertently excludes the Epic Issue Type like the following.
project = EXAMPLE and issueType in (Story, Task, Bug) ORDER BY Rank desc
To fix this issue, adjust the board query to include Epic Issue Type, using the example above:
project = EXAMPLE and issueType in (Epic, Story, Task, Bug) ORDER BY Rank desc
Or simply remove the check on issueType entirely.
project = EXAMPLE ORDER BY Rank desc
You can read more on how to configure you Board's filter query here
Hi Mari,
Thanks for reaching out with your query.
There are 2 ways you can view epics on your story map, while excluding them from your Kanban board (depending on which version of Jira you are currently running).
1. If you are running an older version of Jira, you can add a sub-filter that refines issues returned by your boards filter. The default sub-filter is:
fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() OR fixVersion is EMPTY
To view Epics on the Story Map, while still excluding them from your Kanban board, update the sub-filter to:
(fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() OR fixVersion is EMPTY) AND issuetype !=Epic
You can read more about sub-filters in this Atlassian article
2. If you are on a newer version of Jira (released in the last 12 months), you can manage Epics by enabling the Kanban Backlog
You can read more about how to do this, in this Atlassian article
Please let me know if you have any issues enabling this!
Cheers Mari, have a great day