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Creating Customer-Driven Backlog Features in JSM

Graham Tyrie November 22, 2023


I have been looking at how our organisation can use Jira/Confluence with perhaps MS Teams integration/add-ons to create a Customer Q&A forum similar to how Atlassian has built out their community pages.  We are also looking at free-demo'ing some native/marketplace tooling like Questions for Confluence/Community Forums for Confluence.

This got us thinking, in this world of austerity, whether we can save on licensing costs, by developing customer-driven backlog features/Q&A features in JSM using workflows/automation, after-all, there are voting features in tickets already.  So, simplisticly, a customer would complete a form requesting a particular feature, which is sent to all other customers, who can discuss/vote on the feature, and if a set voting threshold is met, the feature is workflowed into a backlog.

Has anyone attempted this use case within JSM......I would be interested in how you went about it?







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