Bigpictuer : null scope misconfiguration cannot find query for board with id

Anas Ibrahim
July 9, 2019

Hello  ,


We have upgraded our instance JIRA 7.6.2   to  Jira  7.13.4 and Bigpictuer from  jiraserver-6.14.2-jira7 to -jiraserver-7.1.21.


Now we have the following Errors in Bigpictuer :


  1. “scope misconfiguration! Cannot find query for board with id”.
  2. “"null" scope misconfiguration! Cannot find query for board with id”

What I have Done :


I've checked all the filters and boards they are exist I tried to disable and enable it and re-index background.... I have changed the filters inside the board, but all this without result, the errors still come.......


I can't find the reason for this error, even if I create a new program and use the boards, I have gotten the same error.




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Anas Ibrahim
July 19, 2019

This Problem has been Solved .


This Bug not exist in the new version for Bigpictuer 7.2.4 .

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