Imagine being able to capture a snapshot of your project at any point in time—that’s exactly what BaselineX for Jira does. It’s more than just a technical tool; it helps teams stay on track by offering a clear view of progress and changes over time, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.
It's a simple but powerful app that lets us track project progress in Jira by creating baselines (snapshots of issues at a specific point in time). This way, we can easily compare what was planned versus what’s actually happening, which helps us stay on track and avoid unexpected changes.
One feature I love is that we can create the baseline step by step—we don’t have to do it all at once. Plus, the app gives us clear snapshots of how things looked when we committed to the plan, so there’s no confusion. We can also see the history of changes, so it’s easy to spot where things went off track.
This tool is great for keeping everyone on the same page, stopping scope creep, and cutting down on the need to redo work. Definitely recommend it if you’re managing projects in Jira!
Watch the video demo: YouTube Demo
Book a demo: Schedule a Demo
Explore the documentation: BaselineX Documentation