dc-app-performance-toolkit: run on AWS Linux 2


In this article we will talk how to use dc-app-performance-toolkit on AWS Linux2.

You can watch the video for the article here.

dc-app-performance-toolkit is developed by Atlassian to test your Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket Data Center versions for performance.

This toolkit is primarily used for testing apps for Data Center compatibility, but you can use this toolkit for other purposes as well.

You can run this toolkit on your computer. It is not necessary to run it on AWS. But according to my experience it is complicated to run this toolkit on a computer because it requires considerable resources otherwise the tests fail. Also you need a good network connection.

That is why if your Jira, Confluence or Bitbucket instance run on AWS, it is safer to run dc-app-performance-toolkit on AWS as well.

To run this toolkit I will create an AWS EC2 instance with Amazon Linux 2.

it will take about 8 hours to complete all tests required by Atlassian. That is why the cost of the testing will be approximately $0.1856 * 8 = $1.5

Well, let’s create a new EC2 instance.

Choose Amazon Linux 2.

Screenshot 2021-06-02 at 07.47.10.png

Then choose t2.xlarge instance type.

Screenshot 2021-06-02 at 07.49.27.png

Then launch the instance and wait until the instance is ready for usage.

Screenshot 2021-06-02 at 07.56.43.png

Then we need to connect to our instance. You can find the ways to connect to your instance here:

Screenshot 2021-06-02 at 08.53.58.png

Enable the python package:

sudo amazon-linux-extras enable python3.8

And then install the following packages:

sudo yum install git java-1.8.0-openjdk gcc python3.8 python3-devel -y

Next install the Chrome which will be needed for selenium tests later:

curl https://intoli.com/install-google-chrome.sh | bash
sudo mv /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable /usr/bin/google-chrome

And now execute this command:

google-chrome – version && which google-chrome

You should see the following output:

[4302:4302:0603/063335.887523:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(1402)] Unable to open X display.

Everything is fine.

Install virtualenv:

sudo pip3 install virtualenv

Now clone the dc-app-performance-toolkit:

git clone https://github.com/atlassian/dc-app-performance-toolkit.git

Move to the dc-app-performance-toolkint folder, create virtualenv, activate it and install requirements:

cd dc-app-performance-toolkit/
virtualenv venv -p python3
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Next change the required app/jira.yml, app/confluence.yml or app/bitbucket.yml and run it with bzt. For example, for jira.yml it would be like this:

bzt jira.yml

That is all. Your tests are running. Enjoy clean test run!



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M Amine
Community Leader
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June 3, 2021

Excellent content as usual @Alexey Matveev . Thank you vm. 

IT Solutions Tomasz Kaczyński June 1, 2022

Hi Alexey,

I have an unusual question for you because I need the help of a person as experienced as you.

I prepare some new Confluence Data Center App and I would like to add it to the Atlassian Marketplace.

I need perdormance and scale testing report but I have no any Cloud Environment and required experience to make these reports.

Could you test my Confluence Data Center App on your Environment and send me the results?

If you would like any paymemt, please write.

Tomasz Kaczyński (tomasz.kaczynski01 @ gmail.com)

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