In this part we will talk about test results and charts which are available out of the box.
But first I would like to attract your attention to a change in the toolkit which really makes test monitoring much easier. Now while the test is running you can see metrics right in your terminal window:
It is called Taurus console reporter. This screen is divided into three parts: test information represented by graphs, test information in text and your system information.
System information is a very important section. Because if during a test run you use 100% cpu, it can mean that the load you are trying to put on your Jira, Confluence or Bitbucket instance is not as much as you intended to put. Because your machine does not have enough resources to generate the intended load.
Test Results
I will talk about test results based on a test run for a Confluence instance.
After your test has been completed, you will have the following files in the app/results/confluence:
Let's talk about each file in detail.
error_artifacts folder contains information about errors in Selenim tests. For example, here is the test_1_selenium_create_comment-2020-07-24-14-37-36.853895.html:
<title>Selenium - UobuX2FuIO - TES - Product Team Confluence</title>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EDGE,chrome=IE7">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta id="confluence-context-path" name="confluence-context-path" content="/confluence">
<meta id="confluence-base-url" name="confluence-base-url" content="">
<meta id="atlassian-token" name="atlassian-token" content="f83db95dc7c654e23f789178b7ed6b7e98d1077b">
<meta id="confluence-cluster-node-id" name="confluence-cluster-node-id" value="37863810">
<meta id="confluence-cluster-node-name" name="confluence-cluster-node-name" value="node3">
<meta id="confluence-space-key" name="confluence-space-key" content="TES">
<script type="text/javascript">
var contextPath = '/confluence';
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
<meta name="robots" content="noarchive">
<meta name="confluence-request-time" content="1595590631816">
As you can see it is the html code of the page, which caused the error. In the test_1_selenium_create_comment-2020-07-24-14-37-36.853895.png file we can see a screenshot of the page:
We have "Unable to communicate with server" error. This information is very useful for understanding why the error happened. In reality we had the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space and the server went down.
Alexey Matveev
software developer
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