🍻🍂 Partner App Crawl: AI's Effect on how we work and drink beer :beers: now and in the future

Artificial intelligence is one of the hottest topics in the business world, and speculations about its potential effects abound.

PwC claims AI could add nearly $16 trillion to the world economy by 2030. The consultancy group McKinsey predicts $13 trillion in the same time frame. [1]

AI is going to be an important technological advancement that businesses will need to incorporate to stay competitive. It has the potential to make a large impact in many industries. Let's just look at 2 drivers

  • Higher Productivity: AI allows knowledge workers to be more productive by automating mundane tasks. 40% of the work salespeople do during the sales process can be automated through the use of current AI solutions.
  • Higher Employee Engagement: AI has novel applications for improving this through real-time analysis. Armed with up-to-date insights, management can address problematic issues before they fester.

Please join us for our :maple_leaf::beers:Apptoberfest - App Crawl :beetle:Event :beers::fallen_leaf: where we discuss what working smarter not harder looks like in Jira ITSM and ESM!

Europe: https://ace.atlassian.com/e/mn25tp/ (9am CEST)

US: https://ace.atlassian.com/e/mjyjws/ (12pm PT)




6:00 PM

Intros & Icebreaker

What brings you here today?

6:15 PM

About Izymes and AI Insights

How we use AI to get more work done

6:45 PM

QnA and brainstorming

What next for AI enhanced workflows?


The AI revolution is already underway, and its effects will be far-reaching. If you are not prepared, your company will likely lag behind competitors that are implementing AI solutions. 

Join our event, share your opinion, ask questions and get started using AI based technology in Jira.

Warm regards, Ulrich and Michael


= Remove boring from work =



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