Page Status in Confluence Cloud: from Basics to Advanced

Greetings to all Community members! 👋

Many teams love using Confluence to organize documentation, collaborate, or create a knowledge base for public usage. Whatever your use case, you need to indicate the Confluence page status to your readers clearly. It works for multiple purposes. Readers know what to expect from the documentation at first glance and save time on reading outdated or incomplete information. Authors feel confident about seeing their content publicly as everyone realizes whether the page is still in work or under review.

Confluence Page Status: Learn the Basics

In Confluence Cloud, you can set the page status with the native feature. Adding it to a page, you get a colored indicator (purple, blue, red, yellow, or green) and a label (up to 20 characters). To set the page status, you need to start editing the page. Pick the status at the top of the page by selecting Add status from under the page breadcrumbs while in edit mode.

If you don't see this option in the edit mode, you need to contact your space admin as he needs to approve of using content statuses before they are visible to page editors. After the space admin approval, anyone with edit permissions can set the page status in this space. As you can guess, this means different statuses for different spaces, and you need to enter the edit mode to set the status.

Confluence Page Status: Try Advanced Mode

For those of you who want to speed up work with Confluence page review and ensure status consistency, we suggest testing our Handy Page Status. We have just added this feature to the Handy Macros for Confluence functionality to help you set expectations for readers when they visit the page in one click.

Handy Page Status lets you indicate and update the documentation status to Confluence users from the page view mode. Additionally, you can track the page status changes on the fly instead of browsing the page history and searching for relevant information.

Indicate the Confluence documentation status to readers.png

Here is what you can do with Handy Page Status today:

  • set the status for the whole Confluence page from the page view mode
  • update the page status without editing the page
  • change the page status in one click by picking from custom status sets
  • create and reuse an unlimited number of statuses and sets in your Confluence
  • immediately see the history of your Confluence page status to track changes

You can use any default set available in the Handy Macros for Confluence or create your own to fit your workflow. To add the Handy Page Status, open the page and locate the Add status panel at the top. Click it and select the set and status to indicate the page status. You can update it at any time.

Handy Page Status (1).png

To track the content status, check for the recent updates in the Status history tab. Here you can learn the details about the author, date and time, and factual changes in the page status in a moment.

Review page status changes in one click.png

Use Handy Page Status to create status options that work best for your company process and stay on top of Confluence content updates. We're excited to hear from you to learn more about your use cases and bring more functionality to our Handy Page Status. If you don't have the Handy Macros for Confluence app yet, the free trial is available on the Atlassian Marketplace.



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Anastasia Bek _Stiltsoft_
Atlassian Partner
November 1, 2023

Long time no see Atlassian Community! 

To build on the opportunities of Handy Page Status discussed in this article, our team is exited to go the distance by delivering the Handy Page Status Report functionality based on the following data:

  • Confluence spaces where the status is set
  • Handy Page Status sets
  • Handy Page Status options
  • Confluence users who set the status
  • Handy Page Status dates

Feel free to check out and play with these macros of Handy Macros for Confluence to ace in your reporting and project management tasks! 



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Levente Szabo _Midori_
Atlassian Partner
November 17, 2023

Managing the Confluence page status by hand may work for smaller teams, but automation is a must for mid-sized and large enterprises.

Better Content Archiving automates the Confluence page status updates based on your pre-configured rules. It makes page status refreshing error-proof and takes a burden off of your team members. Manual updates are just an option for certain occasions.

Watch automatic page status updates in this video:

Search Confluence pages by status, filtered by blogs, pages, and spaces in a Confluence content status report:


or use the Confluence page usage statistics dashboards (Premium-quality analytics enabled for all tiers!)


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