Main tasks of our clients solved when using Reminder for Jira


Our clients are people of different positions starting from team leads and support managers to Jira administrators.

They like no one else need to use Reminder app in work to track team's progress, prioritize important tasks, do all the necessary work before the end of the day and much more.

Today's article will be unusual in format – we decided to make a blitz survey to find out:

  • what are the person's responsibilities;
  • what difficulties he/she faces;
  • how the Reminder for Jira helps them to stay productive and keep things on track;

Project manager

Main responsibilities:

  1. Communication with the client during project implementation;
  2. Monitoring project progress to stay on schedule and budget;
  3. Gather requirements for project realization;
  4. Clarifying with all sides the readiness to start project implementation;

Difficulties faced:

  1. Hard to keep control over all important tasks when working on multiple projects at the same time;
  2. The development team does not notify about the progress of a particular task;
  3. Can't unify workflow because of different projects that require different levels of engagement;
  4. Manual addition of links to a task in a third-party service;

How did our Reminder for Jira help?

  1. Quickly and without unnecessary steps creates a reminder, which is saved from the first time, so you don’t need to worry of forgetting it.
  2. Convenient placement of reminders - they are always in view, so at any time it is possible to revisit or make any changes.
  3. Established communication with the development department - set a reminder for a deadline or project check that's definitely not to be missed by anyone.

Team lead

Main responsibilities:

  1. Tracking team progress;
  2. Workload allocation;
  3. Task decomposition;

Difficulties faced:

  1. There’s no possibility to view all important tasks during the day;
  2. It is necessary to return to an old task, but there is no opportunity to do this;
  3. The morning of the working day is reserved for "working" with reminders;
  4. A large number of notifications from Jira do not allow tracking important tickets;

How did our Reminder for Jira help?

  1. Reminders come via e-mail, which is convenient and efficient, as no reminder will definitely get lost.
  2. Reminders are now linked to tasks, allowing to open older tasks or set a new one for yourself or coworkers to check work progress.

Support manager

Main responsibilities:

  1. Solving customer requests in JSM
  2. Creating invoices for counterparties
  3. Placing tasks for troubleshooting

Difficulties faced:

  1. Communication with a large number of customers needs to be maintained, simultaneously switching between them in a short period of time;
  2. When you keep reminders in third-party apps, it requires you to search for the link every time;
  3. Up to 100 tasks can be open at the same time, so there is a high probability of missing important information;

How did our Reminder for Jira help?

  1. Creating a reminder quickly and without unnecessary steps for a client, developer or manager.
  2. Set a periodicity when creating a reminder to be sure you don't get lost in a large number of tasks.

Jira administrators

Main responsibilities:

  1. Preparation of МVP according to technical requirements;
  2. Communication with external clients on some aspects of the task;
  3. Closing all external accounts after MVP completion;

Difficulties faced:

  1. Coworkers do not notify about the stage of the task;
  2. High probability of forgetting to text a client;
  3. There is no opportunity to prioritize a specific task;

How did our Reminder for Jira help?

  1. Customization of reminders - whether it's to a client or a colleague.
  2. Prioritizing tasks that are most important to team to close deals and complete projects successfully.


Learn more about the product – try our Reminder for Jira



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