Jira reports for managers: how to measure team productivity effectively?

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  • Are you looking for ways to boost team productivity but don't know how and where to begin?
  • Is productivity measured by efficiency, speed, and the ability to do more tasks in less time?
  • How about the standard of living?

Jira is an excellent resource for discovering this information. Managers are well-equipped to monitor team performance because of the multiple tools and reports available.

1. How productive is your team? Top Jira reports

According to a Harvard study, the most remarkable organizations are 40% more productive than others. One of the most difficult tasks for a top manager is to increase team productivity. How can you track your team's efficiency? First of all, you need to choose the appropriate measurement equipment. The average production of the day of each employee per hour, day, or month can be calculated to determine productivity. Let's look at some of Jira's most popular reports and see how they may assist.


Let's pretend you're on vacation. Your сar is running at 70 kilometers per hour (km/h), and heading north. The term "velocity" refers to both the pace of travel and the path taken on the route. It goes hand in hand: you need to know your speed when traveling in a particular direction. As a result, velocity is a crucial statistic for agile teams to monitor.

How does it work in Jira?

The Jira Velocity report shows how quickly your team is achieving sprint goals. There are 2 bars displayed on the graph. The grey one is for the amount of work you’re planning to complete. It’s measured in story points (SP). The green one is for the actual results your team has reached. For example, you’d like your team to close 150 SP when you achieve 130. As a result, you can determine the amount of work for the next sprint. If you’d like to get more detailed information, read a short article about Story points vs. time spent in Jira.


Sprint Burndown

The following report is like a GPS navigator. When driving, it's helpful to know whether the path you're on is correct, especially if you're on an unfamiliar route. Are there any roadblocks, traffic congestion, or other obstacles? Is it necessary to accelerate or slow down to arrive on time?

Jira Sprint Burndown chart helps to find it out. It's comparable to velocity in that you have a certain amount of work to complete. However, you can change what you need while on the road. Consider how you may assist a member of your team who is stuck on a task. Two lines are displayed on the graph. The red one represents the quantity of work your team must complete in SPs. The grey line reflects the appropriate burn rate for work and serves as a reference. If you want to finish everything, it's best to stick to it.


Created vs. Resolved Gadget

Try the Created vs. Resolved Gadget to compare how many kilometers you've already gone and how many you still have to go. You can find it on the Jira dashboard. Here you can specify not only a sprint but the period you need. The graph shows the project or issue that you have chosen as a filter. Jira displays this information as a two-line chart. A red one denotes newly caused problems. A green line indicates that an issue has been fixed.

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2. Quality metrics for agile teams

Now it’s time to take it easy. At some point, speed may become harmful. Have you ever felt like trying to accomplish more in less time causes you to lose something? We are frequently mad by speed, time, and productivity. What about the quality of the product?

The importance of quality in agile initiatives cannot be overstated. Completed tales are useless unless they've been tested and are meeting the customer's expectations.

There are several measures to consider, such as net promoter score and customer satisfaction/complaints. Try to measure the following if you want to know about the quality before your customers do.


These metrics can help you figure out how many bugs are in a project or release. In theory, a team should thoroughly test stories and avoid escaping problems. You may create charts to illustrate the defects connected with a given project, sprint, epic, or version using Jira filters or dashboards.

As an example, you're curious about the bug correlation for the Development project. You may use the Pie Chart widget to find it on your dashboard. Choose Dev project as the graph's foundation and Issue Type as the statistic type to display. Consequently, you've received the graphic below, which shows a % comparison of issue kinds.


You may also make a new filter and use it as the foundation. For example, here's how you can obtain bugs for your project using a simple JQL option:


Status and Transition Count

The number of times an issue moves to a certain status is another technique to monitor quality. A developer, for example, was working on a bug or feature. A task was in progress, and then it went to review. The job was returned to the QAs when they discovered several tasks. So it's back in the works. The process will repeat until all issues have been resolved.. 

Time in Status for Jira Cloud add-on provides you with a Status Count report. It will seem as follows:

Status Count screen .png

It’s available to filter reports by project, assignee, JQL, sprint, epic, and other criteria.

The following report is quite similar to the previous one. A Transition Count report can help you figure out how many times an issue has changed status. As a result, it will assist you in determining how efficient your team members are when completing a task.

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"If you can't measure it, you can't manage it," remarked Peter Drucker, a management expert. As a result, managers should keep track of their activities and control reporting. Someone is mainly concerned about productivity, but quality should be present too. Jira provides a variety of tools for tracking your team's progress. Try out the strategies provided in the post, and let us know which ones you prefer.



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