Aproximately 5 hours per day or 219 hours per year – that’s how much employees spend on recurring tasks while working. Can you imagine how much money are lost because of manual work that can be automated? Jira and Atlassian marketplace are places where you can achieve such automation with some appropriate tools.
Every department has those work items that are repeating weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. For example, some regular reports, or employees performance reviews, or email campaigns, or sprint planning. A lot of managers are snowed under with routine work. They use endless google tabs, notifications, calls, or another to keep everything under control. Can we go some other way?
Though the task is repeteable, it doesn’t mean it isn’t important and you can miss it. Usually the opposite – if you lose some necessary step, the whole process can go wrong. So, how to be sure every piece of work is completed and you haven’t spent extra time (money) on recurring tasks?
Imagine instead of creating some tasks every week, you just set it once and it’s assigned to you or your team members automatically. That’s how you can reduce your time on rourines and spent it on something more significant. You just need to find your perfect tool. In this article, we’ll overview few Jira add-ons that will help with recurring tasks.
The best way to ensure yourself you’re not leaving some work items out of attention is to checkmark them ☑️ Organizing a Jira checklist will be less effortful if you know what to include.
You may easily prioritise how to use your time by categorising and setting out your tasks. Then crossing each one by one – make sure no important tasks fall through the cracks.
Learn how to create a checklist in Jira.
You can find a plenty of cheklicts add-ons available on the Atlassian Marketplace. It’s not easy to choose, so here we’ll give you a short guide to start.
What’s common in all the apps presented? – Create your own checklist or work with ready templates.
Now let’s look at the main differences.
Issue Checklist for Jira. Pro – Checklists can be integrated with Jira workflow, automation, and scripting software. Make validators to check that checklists or particular list items are completed. Set board cards or Slack messages to reflect checklist progress.
Price: Free trial / 5.00 USD a month / 0.50 USD per user (average)
Recurring Checklists and Report – 3-in-1 powerful app for managers. It combines a lot of possibilities: create and add checklists to Jira issues, automate your workflow with recurring, and get a one-page report of team progress. So, you don`t need to spend time on issue creation but at the same time your team always has a structured todo list
Price: Free trial / Free up to 10 users / 5.50 USD a month / 0.50 USD per user (average)
Multiple Checklists for Jira – To make your job go more quickly, develop global or project checklist templates and load them into issues. Additionally, you can automate the templates so that checklists are only inserted when necessary.
Price: Free trial / 4.00 USD a month / 0.40 USD per user (average)
Smart Checklist for Jira. Pro – Monitor issue progress via statuses, populate a checklist in a Jira issue with help of Jira REST API, import from Trello.
Price: Free trial / 5.00 USD a month / 0.50 USD per user (average)
Checklists are nessesary to organize your work with recurring tasks or processes. Creating of checklist isn’t enough. Jira apps have specific options to automate checklists and add them to your tasks with some occurrence. After that, it’s good to monitor the completion of each step.
Have you tried to create a checklist in Jira? Try and share your experience with the community.
Karyna Tyrnavska _SaaSJet
Product Marketer
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