Introducing Trellinator: Automate Trello with Google Apps Script



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Iain Dooley
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March 3, 2023

@Matt Chambers yes well you can use BenkoBot for the same thing, it runs Trellinator code so everything you could do with Trellinator, you can do with BenkoBot, the only difference is that it's not in the Google Apps Script environment so it's slightly more tricky to connect to email, but you can still make REST API calls from BenkoBot, so you can still send email directly from there via the Gmail API. I do lots of spreadsheet and document stuff using the REST API from BenkoBot.

@Rob Schaerer yeah there is a way to make it work, but the URL returned from the 

ScriptApp.getService().getUrl() function is always the dev URL. It used to work if you switched to the legacy editor, then deployed, then switched back to the new editor, but they removed the legacy editor without fixing that bug so now there's just now way to get the webhook URL programatically after deploying, and I've given up trying to workaround their platform changes since I have created a standalone Trellinator host anyway
Iain Dooley
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March 3, 2023

@Matt Chambers and yes I can put you in touch with a dev who would be able to implement all that for you on Upwork relatively inexpensively, but BenkoBot isn't a free product like hosting a script in GAS

Rob Schaerer March 3, 2023

@Iain Dooley You're just talking about programmatically, there isn't any way to initialize Trellinator any longer though -- I know that you can manually go in and get the URL but that's not nearly as scalable as you need, particularly when you are providing a free resource :-) 

I don't blame you for switching -- trying to implement things in GAS is really difficult when you have no control over the environment.  I've been slowly trying to switch over to Python from GAS to have a bit more control over that for new programs but I can't bare to see all that work I put into GAS in the rearview mirror just yet for Trello.  

Iain Dooley
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March 3, 2023

@Rob Schaerer that's right, Trellinator still works in GAS, I still run stuff in GAS using Trellinator for myself and a couple of clients, but as much as possible I have moved things to the BenkoBot platform.

Matt Chambers March 4, 2023

Hi Iain, thanks for pointing me in the right direction regarding the URL function. Am I right in assuming I can hardcode the non-dev URL into the file. I would rather do it this way if possible, please? Can get this from the manage deployments in the editor? I'm on a very steep learning curve here. I am also very grateful for any help you can give as your open source code provides exactly what I need. It's been about 15 years since i've done any serious development so things have changed a lot. I'm also extremely interested and eager to get my skills back.

Matt Chambers March 4, 2023

I think it's alive mahahahaa. Awesome! Iain Thank you!

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Iain Dooley
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March 4, 2023

@Matt Chambers yep that sounds about right :) In addition to the docs there are hundreds of examples I wrote in response to questions on the community over the years:

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