Implementing OKR For Agile Teams in Jira

Although it feels like 2022 has just started, it's March already and soon we'll all be planning the activities for Q2 and finalizing the plans for the entire year ahead.

Like any other agile organization entering a new fiscal year and quarter, here at Digital Toucan, we too have a set of new objectives that we would like to see our business achieve.

To gain a significantly greater chance of meeting these objectives and achieving our goals, we use Objectives and Key Results (OKR).

OKR is especially fitting for agile teams because it can

  • scale goal-setting processes,
  • empower data-driven performance,
  • and align company, teams, and individuals to make constant, measurable progress.

With OKR, you go a few steps beyond goal setting; you define the top-line objectives and then you outline the key results that would contribute toward those objectives.

For instance, if your objective is to improve customer satisfaction, then your key results could be:

  • Achieve product engagement of more than 85% weekly active users
  • Deliver five more product features by end of the first quarter
  • Boost net customer retention to 90%

Now that you have the OKRs laid out, you can start planning out the tasks and work that can contribute to the key results, which will then help meet the objective.

This is where Jira comes into the picture for agile teams.

In Jira, you already have a work tracking system that allows you and your teams to chart your deliverables for the upcoming sprints – but the problem is, you might not have the tool to accurately pinpoint or measure how your deliverables contribute to your OKRs.

Businesses often adopt OKR solutions that require them to extract data from Jira and then export it to a tool outside of the Jira environment to measure progress and success. This is tedious and time-consuming.

To eliminate this inefficiency, business teams need a tool that can help Atlassian teams directly implement their OKR strategies in Jira by connecting Jira issues to specific key results and objectives.

There are some instances where teams create a new project in Jira and customize issues to help capture objectives and track them by manually changing issue status based on the progress rate of tasks in other projects.

Again, this is incredibly tedious and not to mention, error-prone.

If you’re looking for a built-in OKR solution for Jira, then you can try exploring OKR for Jira.

How can a Jira-dedicated OKR solution help?

When you have an app that can help you manage your OKRs directly in Jira, you can:

  • Create as many objectives as you want
  • Add key results to your objectives
  • Align with your ongoing work by linking key results to Jira issues
  • Track how your issue progressions are directly contributing to your OKR
  • Empower your teams by giving them visibility into the impact of their work

Since agile teams thrive off continuous improvements, having definitive insights into how your work is contributing to your OKRs can truly change how you measure success.

With a transparent measuring capability that lets you work effectively in Jira, you’ll not only create better paths towards success for each individual in your team, you will also empower them to find value in the work that they do.


Take the first step toward greater success today! If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and I’ll be happy to address them. 😊



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