You have a lot of information to put on a Confluence page—how do you keep users engaged? Expanding sections are the answer.
Depending on your needs, you can create them using a couple of different tools. Read on to learn more!
Expanding sections are interactive elements that users can click on to reveal (and then hide) information. They're a great way to save space on a Confluence page.
Expanding sections keep pages shorter and tidier, letting users access information only when they want to. They're a great way to keep users engaged and make content less overwhelming, helping you to create better Confluence pages.
The quickest way to create an expandable section is with Confluence’s built-in Expand macro. Here's how:
1. On your page, start typing /expand to bring up the Expand macro. Click on the macro to launch it.
2. Click where the text reads “Give this expand a title…” and add your heading. Then click the section below to type or paste in the collapsible part of your Expand macro.
3. Click Publish or Update in the top right corner of your page to publish your new Expand macro:
The Expand macro is quick and simple to use, so you can start organising content straight away. But with its small, straightforward header, it's easy to miss on a page. And if you want to add anything other than text inside, you're going to struggle.
If you want to customise your expanding sections, embed images, or just make them easier for users to quickly find on a page, read on!
The Expand macro is simple and straightforward, but it's pretty easy to miss on your page. If you want to make collapsible sections stand out and engage users, you’ll need an app!
That’s where Advanced Expand - a macro included with Mosaic for Confluence - can help.
Just three different ways you can style the Advanced Expand macro
Make expanding sections stand out: Customise the style of your Advanced Expand with a custom header colour and icon. Choose from three styles and even change the size of your heading.
Style and add engaging content inside your collapsible section: Format content inside your Advanced Expand with options like text alignment, font colour, and more. Embed images, tables, and even other built-in Confluence macros to make content more engaging.
Nest it inside other macros: Add the macro to other macros, including Confluence tables and other macros included in Content Formatting Macros, such as Tabs and Backgrounds.
Nest it inside tables: Advanced Expand lets you add expanding sections to Confluence table cells, giving extra information and context without taking up space. Here’s an example:
1. Install Mosaic for Confluence
2. On your page, click the pencil icon or type e. Then type /advanced expand and click on the Advanced Expand macro in the dropdown.
3. In the editor, type your header title and add your content to the box.
You can customise your Advanced Expand in a range of ways. Here are a few:
Add a Confluence macro or image to the expanding section
Choose from three different styles
Change the header background colour
Change the alignment, heading size, and font colour of the content inside your collapsible section.
4. When you’re done, press Save, then click Publish or Update in the top-right corner of your Confluence page.
Here’s an example of an Advanced Expand macro in action:
How do you make text-heavy Confluence pages more engaging? Share your ideas in the comments! 👇
Zoriana Bogutska_Adaptavist_
Product Marketing Manager
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