How to define recurring SLAs for your Cloud projects

The problem: I want developers to enter a comment every two days while the issue is in In Progress status to track their progress.

Tracking the progress of your developers is an important task - one that can be hard to manage as your team grows. A lot of managers want regular updates through comments; however, developers and managers need a tool to keep the team on track.

The answer? Time to SLA offers a novel solution to this requirement in two easy steps!

Preliminary step:

Set up a date time picker custom field called Developer Comment Date.

dev comment date.png

Step 1 - Set up your SLA

Go to Apps > Time to SLA

Navigate to the SLA Configuration menu.

- This is a good time to define your working calendar if you haven’t already done so!

SLA config.png

Define your SLA using your newly created custom field.

1. Name your SLA.

2. Select the priorities that the SLA will apply to.

If you select "All" then issues with all priorities will be in the scope of this SLA.

3. Select when your SLA will start.

4. Since the SLA will start with a comment, select Date field - Developer Comment Date.

SLA definition.png5. Select when your SLA will end.

6. Since the SLA will end when the developer finishes their work, select Status - Done.

You can customize the SLA end condition depending on your workflow. Testing would be another sensible option.

7. Select SLA Reset -  the first key ingredient in this recipe. We want the SLA to reset and start counting as soon as the developer enters a comment.

SLA def 2.png

Select Developer Comment Date as the SLA Reset field.

You can select as many fields as you like for your SLA Reset conditions!

8. Select your SLA Goal.

9. Select the Duration option as your SLA Goal.

10. Select your calendar.

SLA def 3.png

11. Select Only Last Cycle as your calculation method.

This is the second key ingredient in this configuration. As the SLA resets when developers enter a comment, Time to SLA will only calculate the last cycle in SLA calculations. This will allow developers to have a full SLA Goal duration after a comment. Genius!

SLA def 4.png12. Enter a JQL condition to further define your SLA's scope if necessary. If not, then you can leave this blank.

13. Select your critical zone indicator. The SLA panel will change color when the critical zone percentage of the SLA goal has passed.

SLA def 5.png

Save your SLA and you're halfway there!

If you want the SLA definitions to generate data for existing issues, navigate to the SLA for the existing issues menu, enter a JQL for regeneration scope, and hit generate. Time to SLA will calculate the SLA data, no problem!

Step 2 - Set up the Automation rule

This part is crucial to catch and update the comment dates.

  1. Go to Project Settings.
  2. Select Automation to set up your rule.

SLA def 6.png

The rule consists of one trigger, two if clauses and one action.

3. Select trigger: Issue commented.

Select Condition:

4. New Condition - User condition: User who triggered the event in the role of Developers

5. New Condition - JQL condition: status= "In Progress"

New Action:

6. Edit Issue: Select the Developer Comment Date field.

7. Enter the following smart value {{now}}

Enter a second Automation rule to ensure the timely start of the SLA:

SLA def 7.png

Publish your rule. And you're done!!!

Let us know how you have modified this configuration for your use case.

We'd love to hear your suggestions!



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Taranjeet Singh
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 13, 2020

Nice information! Thanks for sharingimage.png

AUG Leaders

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