A key component of agile project tracking is the burndown chart, a visual representation of the work remaining versus time and the planned work. A burndown chart provides a real-time visualization of progress, helping to identify potential bottlenecks and ensuring that the team remains on track to meet its project goals.
One of the most effective ways to create and manage burndown charts in Jira is by using Great Gadgets app. It provides burndown and burnup charts for each sprint (with the Sprint Burndown Burnup Chart gadget) and also for the entire project, epic or team, as well as cross-team or cross-project (with the Release Burndown Burnup Chart gadget).
In addition to tracking progress at the sprint level, it’s crucial to manage larger bodies of work using epics. Epics represent significant features that can span multiple sprints and contain multiple user stories. Using epics effectively helps track the progress of the entire project and provides a higher-level overview of work completed and remaining.
With the Release Burndown Burnup Chart from Great Gadgets you can create a comprehensive epic burndown chart for your projects.
Assuming that you already have Atlassian Jira in place and the issues from your epic are already estimated, follow these steps to configure and display the Release Burndown Burnup Chart gadget:
This gadget can also be used in Confluence. On the Data Center it can be imported as an external macro from Jira, while on the Cloud, you need to install Great Gadgets in your Confluence Cloud instance. The configuration steps are exactly the same.
If you have further questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact support@stonikbyte.com.
Danut M [StonikByte]