Teams working on different software platforms often have data to share. A software integration can make this very simple and save you a good amount of time, especially if you need to exchange information regularly.
Sometimes, however, things are more complicated. Non-standard information needs an advanced solution to share successfully.
One such use case is for teams working on ServiceNow (SNOW) who need to share Service Level Agreement (SLA) information with development teams working in Jira.
We have a SNOW instance that holds SLA information, which is associated with incidents. When an SLA is breached, that can trigger an incident.
Our other team is working on Jira. We already use an integration to share incidents with them. However, the integration can’t deal with SLAs by default.
We need to fix this, so that the Jira team can get all relevant SLA information.
Exalate can synchronize items bi-directionally between multiple platforms. It works with ServiceNow, Jira, Zendesk, Azure Devops, Salesforce, GitHub and more.
Exalate exchanges most types of information by default, but for some advanced cases you need to go a little further. In the next section, you’ll learn how to configure your Exalate integration to exchange SLAs automatically.
First you need to connect your Jira and ServiceNow. That will give you a standard synchronization, sharing most fields automatically.
However, getting the SLAs to sync requires some custom code.
Take a look at your connection in the list, and click edit to bring up the sync rules screen. This is where you add the new code. You’ll need to do this on both sides of the connection.
Starting with ServiceNow, you need to add the following to the ‘outgoing sync’ section on SNOW.
class SlaRecord {
String name
String breach_time
String stage
String linkValue
if (entity.tableName == "incident") {
replica.key = entity.key
replica.summary = entity.short_description
replica.description = entity.description
replica.attachments = entity.attachments
replica.comments = entity.comments
replica.state = entity.state
def RelatedSlaRecords = []
def limitResult = 20
// lookup all related SLA records
def request = "/api/now/table/task_sla?sysparm_query=task.number=${entity.key}&sysparm_limit=${limitResult}"
def response = httpClient.get(request)
if (!response || !response.result) return null
// For each SLA record, lookup corresponding value in contract_sla table
// and collect all the data required within the RelatedSlaRecords array
response.result.each {
SlaRecord temp = new SlaRecord()
temp.breach_time = it.planned_end_time
temp.stage = it.stage
temp.linkValue = it.sla.value
def slaRecord = httpClient.get("/api/now/table/contract_sla/${it.sla.value}") = slaRecord.result.sys_name
replica.slaResults = RelatedSlaRecords
A key part of this code is the following line:
def request = "/api/now/table/task_sla?sysparm_query=task.number=${entity.key}&sysparm_limit=${limitResult}"
def response = httpClient.get(request)
This gets a custom object which you can use to get the data you want to send to Jira.
Next, with Jira, you need to add the following code to your incoming sync section. This code is simpler. Here you're taking the incoming slaResults object, unpacking it, and copying the data into a custom field named SLA Info.
issue.customFields."SLA Info".value = ""
for(int i=0; i<replica.slaResults?.size; i++){
issue.customFields."SLA Info".value += "Name: ${replica.slaResults[i].name} \n Breach Time: _${replica.slaResults[i].breach_time} \n State: ${replica.slaResults[i].stage} \n\n"
Once this code is in place, add some SLAs to a created ticket and click to ‘Exalate’ it, you should find it moving from SNOW to Jira with the SLA records included.
From now on, other tickets that match your rules should be synchronized automatically, with SLAs intact.
Synchronizing the platforms you work on is a great way to boost your productivity. Thanks to Exalate’s flexibility, you are not limited to default options when sharing data.
Its powerful scripting puts you in full control of the data you share, letting you adjust non-standard fields to fit with other platforms. This way your teams don’t miss out on the information they need.
By the way, I am co-hosting a live webinar with Nviso (October 20, 4 PM CET) on how integrating with your customers can make communication easier and smoother.
The webinar content:
You can register here if you’re interested.
Atlassian expert
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