How to Create Jira Automations Based on Comment Labels

Here’s the Scenario: You’re a support agent trying your best to keep up with a wave of  support tickets.  Each ticket, of course, has its fair share of comments and back and forth between all involved parties. Support, client, dev, you name it. Manually managing comment threads on maybe one ticket is more or less feasible, but as the tickets pile up, labeling and triggering automations (based on labels) are your best bet. 


In this post, we’ll dive into why automations based on comment labels are important, how to get started, and which automations you should try.


But first, What is Comment Toolkit for Jira

Comment toolkit for Jira is designed to help you better organize comments using custom labels. Labels are shown within a replica of the existing comment section where you can create, locate and pin them. Additionally, the app is deeply integrated within your Jira site through JQL search and, of course, automations.


Why Automating Based on Comment Labels Is Important

Gone are the days of manually performing repetitive tasks. If you're doing something that feels redundant especially in Jira, surely, there's automation for that. If not, well, let us know, maybe there’s an opportunity for a new app 😀. But anyways, here’s why you should be considering automations based on comment labels:

  • Faster Response Times: As a support agent, response times is one of the most important metrics you’ll be judged upon. And automations play a key role in helping you get faster responses. For example, important comment labels like “Urgent” can immediately notify stakeholders or move issues to the next step of the workflow.

  • Better Collaboration: Comments on specific issues act as triggers for tasks. Tasks that are usually handled by multiple teams. Think support, DEV, design, etc. With automations in play, all involved parties can get instant updates, task assignments, and feedback based on specific labels. For example: If someone adds a comment labeled “Need Clarification,” an automation can alert the project manager, a dedicated Confluence page can b created, and more.

Steps to Create Automations Based on Comment Labels

  1. Set Up & Copy the Webhook in Jira

  • Go to Jira Settings> Apps > Comment Toolkit > Webhook Configuration.

  • Create a new webhook, paste the URL you copied earlier, and link it to the relevant project.



  1. Create a New Rule with “Incoming Webhook” as the Trigger

  • Navigate to your Jira project’s automation settings.

  • Click "Create Rule" and choose "Incoming Webhook" as the trigger.

  • This webhook listens for specific comment labels in your project and activates the actions you configure.

Rule based on webhook.png


  1. Configure the Rule for Comment Labels

  • Use {{webhookData.label}} to specify the label your rule will respond to.

Smart values condition.png

  • Set the desired action for Jira to perform when the label appears in a comment (e.g., update issue status, Create a Confluence page, etc...).

Automatically create a confluence page.png


Popular Automations to Try

The possibilities are more or less endless when it comes to automation actions. Depending on the Jira issues at hand, you can choose from a variety of actions that are grouped by categories. Think business, support, and more. Below is the list of actions that I personally use here at Vectors:

  • Add Subtasks: More often than not, issues can result in a host of tasks. With a label like “follow-up”, an automation can create a subtask detailing the next steps and assigning it to the appropriate team members.


  • Assign Issues: When a comment is labeled “Assign-to-QA”, the issue is automatically assigned to a QA team member. This ensures faster transition and keeps everyone on the same page.


  • Create a Confluence Page: When a comment is labelled “Troubleshooting” for example, a Confluence page is automatically created. This ensures that support agents are equipped with the necessary knowledge to lead with similar support tickets in the future. Additionally, such articles can be listed as knowledge base articles inside JSM for everyone to see. 


  • Create a Slack Channel for Incidents: When a comment is labeled “To discuss” for example, Jira can automate the creation of a Slack channel. The channel acts as an instant hub for communication, bringing team members together with the full context of the issue.


  • Update Issue Status: Use labels to move issues seamlessly through workflows. Adding “Needs Specific DEV” can automatically update the issue to “In Development” saving time and ensuring visibility across the team.


  • Attach Forms for Feedback: When the label “feedback-requested” is added to a comment, the automation can attach a pre-configured form to the issue. This form could gather insights like product feedback, issue approval, or resolution confirmation. Once completed, responses can be stored as comments or sent to relevant teams.


And there you have it! Automations in Jira help you save time, reduce repetitive tasks, and be more efficient overall. Comment Toolkit for Jira is available on Atlassian Marketplace as a beta version. We invite you to give it a try and tell us what you think.

Your feedback is important to help us further enhance the app and ship a more comprehensive app dedicated to Jira comments.



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