Hello Community! This is my first article here discussing something really interesting that I think will help a lot of people. However, I should inform you that this article refers to 2 applications developed by the company I work for, QC Analytics.
The topic I wanted to talk about is no other than Version Control and the different ways you can do this within the Confluence Cloud.
Being able to manage documents' versions is of great importance for organizations since it allows them to see the differences between the current and last versions, and it keeps track of every change made to a page whether it is minor or major. Atlassian knows how important that is and they made sure to implement Version Control on the Confluence Cloud as well. However, here I going to talk about two more solutions for page Version Control.
There are 3 possible ways you can control the version of your pages:
based on built-in Confluence Version Control,
based on QC Revision Value,
based on the Page Properties macro.
This is the easiest and simplest way to control your pages' versions. The built-in Confluence Version number will increase every time you make changes within a page, whether they are minor or major changes. To use this Version Control strategy you do not have to do any extra work since Confluence will do everything for you.
To use the “based on QC Revision Value” strategy, you need to have installed our app called QC Documents for the Confluence Cloud. When choosing this versioning option, you have to make sure you that all of your pages have a QC Revision Value assigned. To assign such value all you have to do is go to QC Page Revision Overview and add a Revision for each Confluence Version.
This version strategy allows you to add decimal numbers and have better control over your page version. All you have to do is add a page properties macro within your page, inside the macro you add a table, on the left column you type your header (e.g Version) and on the right you type the version number of your like (e.g. 4.5.6).
The QC Read & Understood for Confluence Cloud app let’s you use this Version Control strategy in an interesting way, to keep track of pages' approvals.
So, there you have some different ways to keep track of your page versions. I hope you find this helpful!
Do you have any other interesting ways to Version Control your Confluence documents?
Sofia Kargioti {QC Analytics}
Business Developer
QC Analytics PC
Thessaloniki, Greece