Let’s assume that we’ve just onboarded a new person in the Release team, and naturally, she/he doesn’t know everyone on the team and all the procedures. We can make it easier on new employees and speed up the whole acclimatization process, which also affects consuming less time for others to give instructions. ⭐️
For cases like this, Issue Templates Agent for Jira is a perfect extension.
This is how the template could look like. Keep reading to check out how to configure it.
First, create the custom fields you need in the template. Think about what information someone would need. We created a Select list (single choice) field with Apps, a Paragraph with Testing notes, and a Select list (multiple choices) with Testers to choose from.
Then, assign custom fields to screens.
Go to Issue Templates Agent configuration and create a new template.
Choose a pair: Project and Issue type.
For even faster issue creation, you can set it up as default, and then it will automatically fulfill the issue create view - without picking up the template.
Adjust the template to your needs. Select the fields you want to cover in the template. You can assign a template right away to the Team Leader f.e.
☝️ We extend the list of supported fields:
New supported fields:
- Reporter
- Assignee
Custom fields:
- Select list (single choice)
- Paragraph
- Select list (multiple choices)
- Checkbox
Create an issue and enjoy an automatically applied template.
Now, the guidance for new employees and others is done.
Enjoy standardized tickets ⭐️
There are so many examples where this feature is useful:
✅ new employee onboarding, offboarding, bug reports, new feature reports, sprint review reports, compliance test results, how-to issues, release tasks, to-do lists on issues, and much more.
Celina Kuziemko - Appsvio